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Brian Cooper

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Everything posted by Brian Cooper

  1. Well, whatever the prices are now, they certainly aren't going to go down in the coming months. Buy it while prices last. 🤣
  2. If sending anything by courier, whatever you do DON'T mark it as "Fragile". They just see that as a challenge. 🙄 Evri has some very sporty delivery drivers. . . Some will be keen to display their sporting prowess by drop-kicking your parcel to your door..... or maybe kick it over your rear garden fence, and have it land in some water. You have to wonder where Evri finds such extraordinary talent.
  3. Models with a 120 F/S engine up front typically cost about £1 per flight. Models fitted with smaller engines tend to be a bit more economical. I can put up with that. . 👍
  4. My grandad has been with my nan for 70 years and still calls her love, darling and honey. So I remarked how sweet that was. But he replied that it was only because he had forgotten her name years ago and was too afraid to ask her what it was again!!!!
  5. I once took a stuffed dog to the Antiques Roadshow. The chap was clearly impressed and said, “This is very rare indeed, do you have any idea what it would fetch if it was in good condition?” I replied, “Dunno, sticks I suppose?”
  6. I am envious of their flying site. 👍
  7. The best glow fuel in the world costs less than £20 for 5 litres with 5% nitro. And less than £22 with 10% nitro. 👍 It is still cheaper than buying a fistful of Lipos. By comparison, petrol is cheap. 🤷‍♂️
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