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Phil 9

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Posts posted by Phil 9

  1. it is actually a esc for a rc car that needed to run a heavy duty servo some cooling fans and lights. I had some problems today with it cutting out but then the servo failed. I am still trying to work things out. It may be the case that the servo started to draw too much current because it was faulty

  2. a battery eliminator circuit

    I have a esc with a inbuilt bec but the bec can not supply enough power for the accessories I am running so I was looking to buy an external bec.

    but then I found in my box of bits a 5a 6v lipo regulator. I then I was curious. what is the difference between a regulator and a bec. As far as I can tell they will do the same job but are they the same thing?

    Edited By Phil 9 on 18/08/2018 20:31:56

  3. Posted by supertigrefan on 23/07/2018 16:03:40:

    Literally "Starting over"? ….frown

    Or you just fancy a go at a Non-WOT ARTF?

    I not staring over as in learning to fly. I don't need a trainer. I just don't have any models

  4. I had one of these engines for about 5 years and I did like it a lot. However the carb is not of the same type found in two stroke petrol's. the design is closer to a glow carb. it does have some pump to help draw the fuel through the carb but I don't believe it to be very strong. The advice to me was to place the tank as if it was a glow engine and following this advice the engine never missed a beat in the time I used it with the only dead stick landings were cased by me running the tank dry. I would try and keep it as close to the fire wall as you can

  5. I find myself modelless. I have a good transmitter a flightbox, battery charger and starter but not much else. I would like to here some recommendations for a new artf and power train. I could go petrol,ep or glow as I'm pretty much starting from scratch so please include that I your recommendation. I would prefer to stay away from the ripmax wot series of model. I like them but I already have had a few in the past so I would like something different. I am a compotent sport flyer with an A cert

  6. Posted by PatMc on 22/07/2018 18:31:46:
    Posted by Gordon Whitehead 1 on 22/07/2018 18:11:03:
    Posted by PatMc on 22/07/2018 15:40:47:
    Under 7Kg @ 400ft ceiling : result misery crying thumbs down

    Logic : eludes me. questionface 22

    You're the first one here to mention misery laugh

    No, I'm the just first that's used that word for what's been described on this thread several times. wink 2


    I used to fly at a club that already had those restrictions (for other reasons) not misery it was still adequate for most sport flyers. and also reduced some other  issues that I have seen other clubs suffer from such as noise

    Edited By Phil 9 on 22/07/2018 19:32:25

  7. modern batteries tend not to fit the voltage levels required. ie lots of things run on 12v but if to use lithium cells of any type you wont be exactly 12v. but it is easy to regulate the output to a constant voltage of your choosing. I see many comments about regulators in models being an extra and unnecessary component that is just another link that can fail. but that is not my philosophy as I have found them ultra reliable

  8. I am no expert here but having attended a few IMAC competitions as a spectator I think a electric 100cc size model is perfectly doable and could offer some advantages in competition flying over petrol. but the stumbling block for IMAC at least is the duration. At a good model weight there is not enough duration to complete the IMAC routines. Adding enough battery to give the duration makes the model to heavy. But this is working within IMAC competition rules whils trying to stay competitive. I think for the sport flyer cost is a limiting factor

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