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Simon Webb

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Posts posted by Simon Webb

  1. The human body is not designed to be subjected to all the microwaves, radiation, 5G, and other nonsense that the future has in store.

    Expect more headaches, migraines, tumours, amputations, and loss of freedoms ......very soon.

    Imagine the scene.....your political views have been found to be incorrect....so the governrnment has stopped your car from charging.....turned down your central heating.....fined you electronically as there will be no money......just electronic credits instead......and stopped you from living your life.....by using all this technology against you!

    Striking at work? You are fined £1000 immediately......

    The oppressive future!

  2. I thought I would add my little comment here.

    Chris Foss kits are wonderful. They are fantastic to build and superb to fly. Every single one of them.

    But they do come at a cost. Plus you must add on the additional costs like covering material and paint etc. A bit like a Mercedes car.....a wonderful car....but at a price.

    ARTFs are very good value given the fact that they are an all inclusive cost. They are jig built, well covered, and easy to assemble. Plus they don't take 4 months to build.

    I love all types of model aircraft. I have about 32 kits unbuilt. 12 ARTFs to assemble. 1000 plans. And 14 aircraft all ready to fly immediately. Plus I have 34 engines in their boxes awaiting airframes lol

    I can see the argument that the Galaxy Mystic is MUCH cheaper than the XtraWOT. And I have the Mystic as a kit to build. BUT.....will it be as good as the XtraWOT when built?

    Possibly. Possibly not. (Although I LOVE my Wizard and Magician)

    For me, an ARTF is good because it is so quick to make flight ready. It takes me 4 months to do a good build from scratch, and 5 months to build from a plan (ie make the kit before the build commences)

    Just my thoughts on the matter smiley

  3. Whilst I like Nico Rosberg, and I congratulate him on his win, my gut feeling about this retirement announcement from Nico is ......."Chicken"

    He seems to be chickening out of another year fighting Lewis.

    That was my initial thought. I wonder if I am right.

  4. I am not sure Lewis will get the telling off that people think.

    At some stage they have to realise that Lewis was driving for his own Championship, and he wanted to win it his way.

    If Toto Wolfe had been driving, I am sure Toto Wolfe would have ignored the team order too!!!!

    I am glad Nico won. And I am a huge Lewis Hamilton fan, and still am.

    He is human, and he was naturally trying his hardest to effect the result he wanted.

    Nico was overall the strongest driver throughout the year, and both have had the technical issues that have plagued Lewis, at some stage.

    Any suggestion Lewis will be treated as a second class team member next year, will see Lewis walk out of the door to another team, and rightly so.

    Lewis is hot headed, and wears his heart on his sleeve, but he is the fastest, and he is the most entertaining to watch. Score is now 3 to Lewis and 1 to Nico.

    Plus never forget that Lewis lost 2007 World Title, his FIRST rookie World Title, by ONE polnt!!!

    Well done to Nico Rosberg. A great driver and a very nice bloke! yes

  5. I must have exceeded the number of changes!

    I was trying different combinations, but each combination must have been logged!

    Good news for you John and bad news for me!

    A new league table of results might be called for?!?

    Better than having a model go in.....but still disappointing!

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