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graham kindberg1

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Everything posted by graham kindberg1

  1. Hi Ton, will get back to you as soon as I can. I am in Queensland Australia, and at the moment we are in the middle of a flood disaster.Crap happening  around us, 8 dead and 72 missing as of this morning. we are ok (high ground), but a lot are in trouble. Graham
  2. Hi Ton, Have lots of photos as I have taken plenty on my phone to send off progress shots to my flying buddy down the road (120km away). I will transfer them to the 'putor, and if they come up any good there, post some for you.  To me I didnt think the design was too over engineered, not when I look back on it, and thats when it really counts. Where I took time to study the plan for the build, it was to ensure that I didnt do anything out of sequence.  For me any way, dont change your style, Perhaps a little more discription to the build notes. Lead by the nose through the critical areas, touch on the grey bits and ignore the obvious. I think you have to write the notes for an 8year old who has built one plane only before, and is sprinting to a table of balsa.  Thanks for the power info, I had picked up on the motor specs, but hadnt seen in print the actual power figures.  Thank you for your quick reply, and for your design, I appreciate the effort that is required for such a project.  Graham
  3. Gone a bit quiet here eh? finaly cleared the workshop enough to start the wave, two in fact as one is for a friend who is stalled on another project. Both fuselages have been completed and im about to start the wings. Never been one to leave well enough alone, i have decided to put alerons on to suite my flying style! (totaly undiciplined). I will be halving the dihedral, and of course will need to look reducing the lenght of the float supports. What wattage range have been used on these models? Finish intended is paint over coverall polyurethaned on with carbon fiber tissue on the bottom of the hull, also polyuerthaned on, film on flying surfaces. Regarding the plan, I did find it took some concetration to comprehend, perhaps as the design style being different to what im used too. The photos available do help a lot, having said that, it has been a very enjoyable build experience.  Graham   
  4. 1.   Whirlwind, 70inch2.   FW 190. 70inch3.   ME 110, 70inch Ok Tony, I'll have the bench cleared and ready. Stiil flying your 48" mossie, worn out two sets of motors and ready for a recover. Just love it!!Graham    
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