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Posts posted by ZK BAP

  1. Greetings. Thank you for your email etc and my apologies for being absent for so long. I have managed to get back in after forgetting log in details etc. I have replied to the email Kevin, great to hear from you. Hope every one had a great xmas and new year.smiley

    Cheers Brian ZK BAP

  2. Hi all, sorry I have not been around. New job takes me out into the whop whops with no coverage weeks on end. I have seen the builds are going great, well done all. I myself have just finished a 120FS chippy and awaiting maiden.img_20150406_165215[1].jpg

    Winter is now starting here in the land of the long white cloud so I think a few weekends may be spent in the hangar lol

    Cheers for now folks,

    ZK BAP

  3. I have 3 chippies, 2 beavers and 2 austers, one the 1/4 scale other the smaller one. All have been fantastic kits and very enjoyable to build They do sit well together at shows and fit along perfectly like Kevin F mentioned above. Almost like having your very own squadron reallyyes

    I would grab one while they are available. Could be a very long time before any more may be produced, we just don't know at this stage, but fingers crossed ladswink

    ZK BAP

    MFNZ 11300

  4. Hi Steve and Braddock, going by the chippies I have built so far, one with a fs61 and another with a fs91, the fs61 required the weight of about a single AA battery up front and the 91 none at all. In saying that it does depend on things like rx batt placement, ( try and get behind the tank, I run two 4.8v square packs side by side in both )servo placement ( right behind rx packs ) and how light you built the back end. All up she should not really be much more than 3kg, or even lighter if light coverings are used. The tank box can be shifted a wee bit to help with the engine install and balancing, and should be fitted last with engine mounted, tank in and cowl made up so all can be jiggled to get a good result. Even with a smaller engine, a wee bit of nose lead does not affect things too much, but if you keep things light you should be fine. I have even used foam tail wheels to help the back end with good results. The only downside is that the tail can bounce around a bit on taxi if the ground is rough, but you just have to taxi holding up elevator to force the back end down and go slow, otherwise no real problems. A 60 to 70 will be ample even a 40 will fly it ok, but as I have always said, you can never have enough horse power, so with in reason, the bigger should be the go in my opinion. My one with the 61 FS in it weighs in just under 3kg if that helps, unfortunately I have not weighed the one with the 91 FS in it so can't give you that weight. Both fly very nicely indeed, with the bigger one having more grunt to throw around.

    Hope this is of some help.


    ZK BAP

    MFNZ 11300

  5. Woohoo Stevo bet you are a happy bloke! Plenty to feast the eyes on in the box then.

    Flaps yes, totally agree. Servo's many ways. I too am not a fan of bell cranks and on the first one I built I used flexible snakes running from the center section to the flaps and ailerons using only two standard servo's. How ever on the second one I had opted for individual servo's for each aileron and flap and managed to get standard servo's sitting on their side for each with direct drive. They were mounted on ply plates bolted straight to the corresponding rib bay required for each surface. By using standard nylon geared units help keep the weight down as they are strong enough even when running a 91 FS up front as they only have to deal with one surface. This was the chosen setup after the first chippie which at the time I only had a DX5e, but now with a DX7s and DX18 the programming capabilities allow for more control and adjustments of more servo's and direct drive eliminates any slop in control surfaces. I will use the same set up on the current one that I am building now for the sake of an extra servo I have piece of mind, plus the fact that a 120 FS will be the ponies. I think if you fly it under normal flight the little metal geared ones should be fine. My original has one standard for ailerons and one for flaps ( futaba nylon 3003 i think ) and have been in good service for over 3 years with no problems, even tho I do throw it around a bit ( 61FS up front )


    ZK BAP

    MF 11300

  6. Hi all, great news. The Chipmunk kits are now available for sale. The importer has a thread now which is here Airsail Kits now available where you can PM him to put you hands up for one. Remember these are very limited and only available through this site / forum! First in will be best dressed so don't delay if you want one of these great kiwi kits.

    Thank you for all the support and encouragement in this wonderful idea of bringing back some good old favorites.


    ZK BAP

    MFNZ 11300

  7. Hi Peter. Great to see a kiwi registration on your chippie yes Welcome to the thread.

    Stevo, I am currently running a 13x6 on my fs61ar. Plenty of grunt, sounds and flies very scale like. I have used a 12x6/8 which still went well, just a bit faster thats all. i will be putting a 14x6 maybe 8 on the other one currently being built, but it is going to have a fs91ar in it. Most of my engines are ASP, which have all been fine and very reliable. Glad to hear at least people are going four strokes and not those whining two bangers that just dont cut the mustard for scale sound lol. Hopefully pricing will not be too far away. I believe it is in the process for your VAT etc at the moment.


    ZK BAP

    MFNZ 11300

  8. I think we take for granted that when we build a flat straight wing it should stay that way. Of course the nature of wood in itself tells otherwise. All woods expand and twist, shrink, warp etc in various conditions. I my self never even thought of that and to be honest never had a problem in the past. But after this incidence I will be going over each and every air frame with a fine tooth comb, just in case!

  9. Yesterday I decided to take my Beaver out along with Chippie for a nice Sunday fly at our club. Weather was great, small amount of wind, nice and warm, 22 deg C I think. Any way, after a couple of Chipmunk flies it was time to get the Beaver up. I have not flown the Beaver for some time now and was sitting up top in the rafters of my shed. All pre flight checks were done as I do EVERY time and motor was run the previous day. All was well. Except after take off I found the plane went off to the right, so proceeded to put left aileron in only to find no body was home! The trims had not been changed since last flown and I had a hell of a time bringing it back down on just rudder. I managed to land ok and then checked all controls. All were working fine, so I turned her off and started to scratch my head. I decided to retire from flying and go back to the workshop to determine the cause. After close inspection I found the RH wing had a nasty twist in it. I did not build it that way thats for sure. It seems that residing up top in the shed, the heat from the iron roof had twisted it so far that the ailerons were not enough to over come the twist. From now on no planes will be put up top as we are only just heading into summer! Dont just check controls, but also the air frame for and twist or buckles that can form in higher temps!

  10. Right, we have some more info on the kits. They are going to now be trucked across to the importer this week. It has not been a glamorous journey for a machine that was designed to take the quickest route, but never less I am sure once they have been built will be right at home up in the sky where they belong. I am really happy they have made the trip half way round the world and some lucky people will get the chance to build and fly one of these magnificent aircraft. Will keep you all posted as soon as they have arrived at the importers place, and will go from there.


    ZK BAP

    MFNZ 11300

  11. A few more mods we have done are a dual control horn on the elevators, a solid recessed rudder horn slightly chopped down and a 3mm ply base set in the 10mm bottom sheet for a steerable tail wheel connecting straight to the rudder. Over the years my original tail wheel needed repairing 4 or 5 times, once again just due to the rough strip kept pulling it away, so the ply base will take a standard Dubro tail wheel bracket ( No. 377 ) 3mm dia axle. I have used these now on all planes and never had any problems since.




  12. That looks nice and neat David well done. The shift should be hardly noticeable from a scale point of view, but I think you will appreciate the slight change when landing on the the grass. My mate is going to fabricate some glass cowls up too so we always have a spare at hand. My third has now started to crack with heat and can only be patched so much before a replacement will be needed. Happy building.


    ZK BAP

  13. OK as far as I can make out the engine box is built as such that there is a 2.5mm difference between left and right side on top and a 3mm difference from top to bottom. measurements are such a way that it creates a down right hand thrust. IE the bottom plate is of course smaller at the rhs and also the total length to the top plate. The left and right sides also are different by the 3mm to create the right hand thrust. Here are a few pics that I hope will explain what I am trying to.












  14. The kits have landed! Albeit at the wrong port some 250 miles away from the importer! Never less the importer is now in negotiations with the shipping agent to arrange delivery. So hopefully very soon he will have his hands on them. Will keep you updated as info comes through to me. Thank you for all your patience on this epic journey across the globe.


    ZK BAP

    MFNZ 11300

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