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Chuck Plains

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Posts posted by Chuck Plains

  1. Posted by Phil May on 24/05/2017 12:00:34:
    Cheaper a Wilkes.
    8x4 2mm thick, a fiver

    WoW! I like the sound of that Phil! I buy stuff in Wikes all the time but must have missed it. I can't find it on their website, I've searched for coroplast, corplast, corrugated plastic, plastic sheet, insulation, so far. What do they call it?


    Ah! Found it! Proplex protection sheet.  Hehe! It's actually £3.95 !!!!!!!! yes

    Edited By Chuck Plains on 25/05/2017 19:54:38

  2. I have not made any wing bags or travel boxes so far, but allow me to recommend trio_floor_protection_uk on Ebay I got two sheets in 2015 and their price doesn't seem to have changed £11.50 for a 2mm sheet 8x4 ft (non fire rated). Delivery is free and it comes rolled up.

    Hmm, as I make more wings, I guess I'll have to start protecting them from each other and what have you. Heh, I've just installed some superglue packaging blisters over my servo arms for streamlining and protection. But a long bag or box does seem in order in the long run.

  3. Doh!

    It was a bit too breezy to try it today. Gusting to 20mph is asking a lot for a 400g 2 chan with a 20 year old balsa wing, even with our club safety officer offering to maiden it. So we left it for now.

    I shall reinstall the tow hook and attempt to bungee it if the wind drops one evening this week.

    As to how to disconnect, you just give it some good up elevator and the velcro should pull apart. Even our tug pilot had heard of this method, though he'd never tried it.

    Heh, better luck next time I guess.

    Ahh, the Bird Of Time! Is that the 3mtr one? Such a beautiful shape. Definitely a bird I am considering purchasing, despite telling myself I have to make everything on the cheap.

    Cheep cheep!

  4. I have a 70mm EDF waiting in the wings, (haha! pun intended! smile p ) The plan is to attach it t oa "Zephyr type flying wing. And I had already determined that I should knock up a nozzle type outlet for it, so that I can easily adjust the TA after fixing the housing firmly in place. My idea is to use a section of plastic or foam picnic cup.

    Too big for indoor though. Ahem.




    Scratch built glider to give new life to old wings.

    Yes, these Precedent Hi Fly wings will, hopefully, start a new life with my new pod and boom thingy.

    2 chan tree top crash.jpg

    What? Crashed into a tree already???????

    2 chan treetop crash alternate view.jpg

    See how tough this glider is? It felled a tree and chopped it to pieces!


    2 chan treetop side view.jpg


    The fuselage is 4mm balsa covered with reinforcing tape at the front, boom is lightweight wrapped carbon fishing rod section, and the tail and tail plane are 4.5mm 'stripped' art board foam. (Very much like Depron)

    I'll be honest and say I haven't flown it properly yet. As evidenced by the rather wrinkled nose cone. wink 2

    Hopefully we will see an improved performance at Devon Glider Day tomorrow!


    Edited By Chuck Plains on 13/05/2017 14:50:16

  6. Yeap, I've removed the hook for now. My cheap bungee from Hobbyking really didn't get the thing up all that high, though I may be doing something wrong.

    So the tow pad of velcro loops is positioned on the belly and directly behind the (now slightly squashed looking) foam nose cone. I've put 2 pieces x 50mm x 20mm wide of it on there, just to give a bit of choice. But the attachment for the line is just a short piece of nylon cord looped through a 30mm piece of 'hooks' folded in half and stitched together. So the actual attachment will only be about 15mm x 20mm.

    2 chan velcro thingies.jpg

    2 chan velcro tow attached.jpg

    I'll be asking the tug pilot to give us a 30 degree-ish climb out and see what happens. Oh, plus the first tugged flight will be with an experienced pilot, if I can find someone willing to help.

    I'm still chucking it to try and work out this new 2 channel style flying. Doing some more test chucks this pm, before Devon Glider Day tomorrow. WSW and SW winds will make it a perfect day.

  7. Posted by PatMc on 05/05/2017 20:56:20:

    I convert any rubber band fixed wing designs to screw fixture before I build whenever I can. Rubber fixed wings is a free flight throwback unnecessary with virtualy all RC models.

    Why unnecessary? I've converted most of my RC planes to rubber band wing fixing.

  8. Posted by PatMc on 06/05/2017 21:35:05:

    What about a pylon mounted motor ?

    Heh, I already have a 'firewall' built in and just added a foam nosecone in front of it. So a motor was always in the background for this one.

    But to truly answer your question. I detest the sight of motor pylons. To me, they're about as attractive as an armchair on an Albatross.

  9. I've recently finished a basic pod and boom fuselage, so that I can get an old set of Precedent Hi Fly wings up in the air.

    Heh, but I built it without considering that the club I go to rarely has a bungee set up these days.

    So, the question in the title stands. Can it or can it not be towed up using the belly hook?

    Edited By Chuck Plains on 06/05/2017 16:52:01

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