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gary watson 1

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Posts posted by gary watson 1

  1. First of all let me say thanks for taking the time to post the vids,pity some of the critics dont make a vid.I think somewhere you did mention what you paid for it ,does not alter the poor quality if i had recieved it in that state i would have sent it back.i think we in Britain dont complain enough about poor quality.I have spent quite a bit of time in America and i can assure you they dont accept poor quality.Looking forward to the next installment.


  2. Some very intresting replies,i understand that when you buy a so called high end motor that you will be paying a supplement just for the name but i was always told "buy cheap buy twice" I know that even if you buy a high end motor if you crash it will be the same as crashing with a cheaper motor.Iam not really looking for performance just a motor that will last seems like the turnigy is a fair alternative?

  3. I am thinking about building a plane and was wondering which heat shrink would be best?I want some that is strong,easy to put on and will not wrinkle in the sun.I already have the iron and heat gun any advice please, because when i looked for some there is a whole raft of them quite confusing to a newbie like me thank you


  4. I have been following the "tucano build"now be honest if i order the kit will i be able to finish it as i am a complete numpty when it comes to to building anything out of wood. I would be right in saying that it will be more like putting a jigsaw together than actually building it from scratch, what i mean is not much sawing and sanding?


  5. I have just bought a dynam bf 109 and have been looking at some reviews,most people who have got this plane are very pleased with it apart from the under carriage,it seems that it has got a tendancy to tip over onto its nose.They mentioned putting more of a forward rake on it but forgot to say how they did this,any ideas?thanks


  6. On our way back from ludlow i said to the wife "could always call into the whitchurch model shop,not after anything" good she said.The guy in the shop was very helpfull,picked up some cyno [shock horror at the price] and some kicker and a battery checker.Kept looking around as you do and kept being drawn towards the dynam bf 109,the guy said" would you like to look into the box" not wanting to refuse his kind offer the box was open,wow, very nice plane.By this time shmbo came into the shop shaking her head,"do you like it" she said of course was the reply whats not to like,go on then buy it and with that the card came out and i am now a proud owner of the above plane. Got to stop just calling into thes model shops.

  7. Thanks for all your replies, i am learning to fly and am really enjoying it.Ten years ago plus i was looking into flying and bought 2 plane kits cant remember what they are,putting it together was fairly easy but when it came to sanding and cuting some of the fiddly bits i just could not get it right thats not to mention fitting the snakes and servos and the engine and covering ,forget it ,i probably bit of more than i could chew.

    I want to stay with electric as a power scource and am looking for something around a 50 inch wingspan so can you suggest a kit that wont have me pulling my hair out,not that i have much left,3 kids and a wife you know it will do that to you lol

  8. I know a lot of you will say that building is the bigest and best part of rc flying but i have tried twice to try and build a plane but it just does not happen for me so they have been left in the shed,no patience,i mean we all cant be good builders.My question is is there a firm out there who would build me a plane?

  9. I recently purchased 2 planes from the above,well one was the easy glider pro and a j3 cub [green], a couple of days after the purchase a lovely big box arrived by courier,on checking the contents i found that they had sent me the yellow j3 cub by mistake,quick phone call to them and within 3 days i had my hands on the green j3 cub.Now i know mistakes happen but when you get a supplier that rectifies a mistake that quick,they will do for me!!!!!!!!!

  10. I do like all the "by the ways" you sent Tony especially the link to how to put the under carriage together,now i can see what goes were.

    At the moment every bit of decent weather sees me up at the field, trying to get as much tuition in as possible, before the weather turns for the worst, so the cub is still in the box.Well will need something to do in the dark days of winter.Thanks again Tony.


  11. Totem hobbies did send me the j3 cub but when i opened it it was bright yellow,after a quick phone call and a couple of days later it arrived .I just opened the box to check the contents and it looks all there i must admit it does look very nice.Thanks for the tips Tony will keep them in mind.The only negative would be the instruction manual, to say its poor would be an understatement.Tony what size pilot fits this model?

  12. Thanks for the replies,looks like buying a power meter Garbo,Frank looking at what you say the 45a esc should be alright.I am very new to electric flying and you hear a lot of horror stories about planes that come as pnp models and the motors and esc that come with them not being powerfull enough to do the job.

  13. Thanks for your replies,as was said finding both models together was a bit difficult but i managed it.I have got to phone up tomorrow and finalise the deal with those nice people at TOTEM HOBBIES.You would think i was a seasoned flyer but i am far from it only had half a dozen flying lessons,but i have got the bug bad, now where can i put them.

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