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Pat (rActive) Harbord

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Posts posted by Pat (rActive) Harbord

  1. DP - Sounds like you intend to profit from someone else's Intellectual Property. So why not ask permission of the designer that drew the plans?

    I'm a designer myself (not aircraft) and would be very upset (although slightly flattered) if someone else took one of my designs and passed it off as their own (not that you are doing that). Or reproduced it to make profit, (just not ethical in my mind).

    I'm not sure if you are just covering your costs or making a small profit - I think that makes a big difference to how any law would apply.

    If it's very small scale, for club-mates only and not for profit, I would think you'll pass under the radar. You could approach the whole thing another way and go for a group discount - use your group buying power to reduce the cost of laser cutting for everyone - everyone else pays you, you pay the bill - you get a kit of parts for free (for your time and effort in organising everything)

    What plans are you thinking about? - I may be interested

  2. I did Tony's little corsair when it was published. From memory I went with the spec on the plan. Great fun strafing low and pulling up to a reversal to come back the other way.

    You can find the spec for the 109 **LINK** here.

    I'll have a look in the shed tomorrow and confirm my setup as I did try a range of props. A watt meter is useful to check current so you don't fry anything. 1800-2200mAh 3 cell lipo. The 1800 is lighter and I think is better if you're happy with 5mins wot.

  3. And here is the first head that has been cut, I will be getting a few of these to assemble early next week which I will test hard! I have made it as simple as I can , keeping the material the same thickness all round with minimal parts. I will post more as I start assembling if anyone is interested?

    Yes please - great to have an alternative to HKs offering. This is what I've been waiting for. Going to make a start on my Atom this weekend

  4. I think once you have the first version of 4 installed, it will prompt you to update all the way through. The last step to 5 is optional. You will find 4 is a huge improvement from 3, you may want to hold off on 5 for a while.

  5. I've tried ticking and unticking the 'always check box' and also checked for updates manually

    As I say, I'm not really complaining at this point in time, just thought it was odd. Looks like my installation is slightly broken - no problem online multi player though.

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