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Ray Wood 4

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Posts posted by Ray Wood 4

  1. Hi All,

    It's not just model flying that are facing challenges in these computer orientated days, RC was magic back in the 60's & 70's the practical skills have been disappearing for the last 40 years model engineering and model boats are facing the same ageing group of enthusiasts . Still I'm looking forward to a good few years pursuing my many and various modelling hobbies

    Stay safe & happy

    Regards Ray

  2. Hi Mark,

    Pavel Bosak was a very prolific designer/builder back in the 80's & 90's he was the Tony Nijhuis of his generation

    Many prop driven jet designs to his credit, he knows his stuff, they are much easier to balance these days of electric, back in those days you had a heavy weight engine in the nose and Rx battery on the tail .

    Good luck Regards Ray

    Edited By Ray Wood 4 on 19/01/2021 16:44:04

  3. Hi Nigel,

    If you mostly use a laptop on the desk Varifocals will be fine as you are naturally looking down, but if you use a big monitor at the correct height ie looking straight ahead like I do, and as Shaun mentioned they are no good irrespective of how expensive they are as you will be using the distance part of the lens.

    Regards Ray

  4. Hi All,

    Just a thought, Varifocals are great for everyday, driving, flying, modelling etc, but I'm on the screen all day for work and cheaper readers are better ! as with Varifocals you will find yourself tipping your head back and looking down your nose to focus on the screen

    Regards Ray

  5. Hi All,

    While waiting for a take off slot on an Easyjet 737 flight from Gatwick to Dublin as we weren't going any where for 30 minutes slid up to the cockpit to chat to the crew, they were only to happy to have somebody else to chat with and they gave me the left hand seat to sit in I think only the APU was running !

    I think a controlled crash would be achievable but slowing her down from 450 knots would be the issue without stalling !! There are an awful lot of dials & switches

    When my daughters were young flying to the Med 35 years ago you had to visit the flight deck it was the done thing .

    Regards Ray

  6. Hi Andy,

    Thanks for your response, I am fully aware of all the options available, I guess I'm only playing Devil's advocate for the old postal renewal system, as I'm guessing quite a few of our older members wouldn't have computer access ?

    I know a lot of folk re-join out of habit and tradition (and for the insurance etc)

    Regards Ray

  7. Hi Cliff,

    That is brilliant news, every cloud will now have an Avro York flying through it

    Well done, having been furloughed for 3 month's I now know I don't want to retire either !!

    Quite a bonus more building & flying Time

    Regards Ray

  8. Hi Peter,

    That's why there are fewer staff in WH Smiths these days but lots of diy machines to take your money, they have switched off their employees and switched on machines !!

    Regards Ray

  9. Good news Cliff,

    Most of the big companies we freelance for are very good at laying off key staff because the management don't actually know how the business they try to run functions !! We come in to fill the gap they created at twice the price, reorganisation cuts should start at the top of the tree as they are the most expensive 😮,

    Any progress with the York ??

    Good luck 👍

    Regards Ray

    Edited By Ray Wood 4 on 30/10/2020 21:00:36

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