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Dave Towell

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Posts posted by Dave Towell

  1. Best retailer:                         Galaxy
    Best mail ord                        Giant Cod
    Best ARTF:                            ST Models MX 2
    Best Distributor:                    Horizon hobbys
  2. I also recived a parcel from the very nice people at RCM&E and modelflying.co.uk, they had sent me out a couple of rolls of covering from oracover.
    So a very BIG  thanks to the Ashbys and the rest of the team for the nice suprise, but you have left me with a slight problem, do I recover an existing model or make a new one to use the covering on? Problems, problems problems!

    Edited By Dave Towell on 29/05/2010 10:33:33

  3. Interesting results, a mate has a tacho that will do 4 blades and will see him over the next few day and see what i get. Will keep you posted.
    Got my spare prop today from Galaxy, and it DOES come with a pitch gauge!
    A strange contraption that needs lined up by eye but is adjustable from 7 to 13 inches.    I guess same pitch gauge can be used on different props, will see how mine comes out over the next few days and let you konw, I just put mine together out of the box will be interested to see if there are any differances in the blades.
    Thanks again for the  motor test info, will keep you posted on the prop info.
  4. I fully agree I don't think it could handel a 13 x 10 ether. Another issue is the wieght of the props, there is not a lot of mass to the very nice scale prop (I do Like It) were as a say APC"E" at 13 x 10 has quite a bit of wieght to it in comparison.
    But I look forward to seeing what your results are.
  5. My spare was dispatched today when it arrives I'll let you know if it has a pitch gauge.
    I'm only going on the info on jperkins site I may be wrong but it has two 4 bladers a 9x10 and an11 x10. and the one with the JUG is 11 x something?  But as you say they seem to work well (static so far for me).
    Now for a bit of Prop theory (well sort of). Am i right in assuming the following...?
    If i had a normal 2 bladed prop and went to a 3 blader I'd keep the pitch the same but reduce the diamiter by 1 inch. And there for a 4 blader same pitch and reduce the diamiter by another inch.
    So if I reverse this thory then it works out as a 13 x 10 prop.
    Does this sound about right?  
  6. Oh yeah I realise that its a flying prop. looks good in fact i think the kit is worth it just for the prop!
     Just found them on JPerkins site 11 x 10! but in the photo they come with some sort of pitch gauge.
    Mine was the set with Tx/Rx but I was after just the plane so they took the tx / rx out of the box just wondering if they took 1 bit to many?
  7. Just got mine LOOKS FANTASTIC. no probs in the packaging and transport. very simple to assemble all done in about an hour. My own TX RX (specktrum) and no probs.
    Does anyone know what the prop is ie 11x5 or whatevrer it is. Have ordered a spare but at £15 a time I want to be able to put on a normal one to continue my days flying.
    And is it just me or is that 4 bladed prop just gorgeous or what might use my spare as a desk orniment!!!!
  8. See a few last night at our clubs indoor session. 6 in fact they flew really well but WAY to fragile for what they are. one guy broke his getting it out of the box!
    but the BNF costs £85 and the PNP costs £70 ( Roughly) but the RX board and the 2 micro servos  cost about £75 with no motor so if you want the gear for your own build then buy one on these!!!
  9. Not had mine delivered yet, normally get it a few days early as a subscriber. anyone else had a problem this month or is it just the aftermath of all the snow we had?
    Any one had simaler problems?

    Edited By Dave Towell on 18/01/2010 22:58:57

  10. hope you get it sorted. I got done about 4 years ago and took ages to sort out about 18months and had to fight all the way. it got sorted but alot of grief. some little ........ buying clothes in london. things seam to be better now but Ive only used pay-pal since and had no problems. Hope you dont have the same problems.
  11. At our indoor sesions we've had the same discusion. More so with fixed wing then heli but the same thing really. I've read somewere that the aircraft involved with the test must wiegh over 1kg, but i cant find it again. I may be wrong. As a fixed wing flyer I cant remember what the requierments are for heli tests. maybe we can but no one has done it yet.
    Maybe we should introduce and indoor heli + fixed wing "A"+"B" tasts?
    Anyone going to do it and submite the results to the BMFA?
    Want an MSR for xmas have droped enough hints to wife! they as good as they look?
  12. I do agree that each to there own. if people want to fly control line then let them. I have flown C/L before and dont really get it to be honest but thats me, I prefer R/C but I have nothing againt C/L.
    I DO agree howerver  that they need to be moniterd for sound  though, they can be incredably loud and if the rest of us have to complie they why not them?
    A C/L is generally a lot noiseir than a an RC even befor they unload in the air and the pitch of the noise travels a lot further. We have had to stop people fling C/L at our site because of the noise.
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