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Everything posted by 911hillclimber

  1. Thank you Denis, will try that first thing tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed. Graham.
  2. Last used the Sim about a year ago, hoping to fly next week so thought a few hours on the SIM would be a good idea. I have a DX6 Spektrum as used before, linked it all up and the Aerp says it cannot find the Tx or even the USB lead. The dongal(?) lights up and is set where it was, 2.AERO Get the same message with the TX on or off. On the screen, when FLY is selected the model shows on the field on tick-over, the TX joy sticks have no influence on the plane. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong please?
  3. Ok, I think this has run its time , so I do thank everyone for their help and advice. I am sure I will have other things get in my way trying to progress that I will need help on as I have in the past. I wish you all a great New Year! Graham.
  4. I returned to model flying 2 years ago, and as I was wearing short trousers when I last flew (control line), I was a total novice. I bought a FMS Kingfisher back then with a stabiliser. The Kingfisher is a 5 channel plane, high wing with a flat wing, no dihedral. I joined my local club, joined the SMEA and arrived at the flying field. Stating my novice status i was very 'all the gear, and no idea' and was adopted by one of the members to buddy connect so to teach me. This was only if I switched off the stabiliser and got stuck in with a simulator added into the bad weather day mix. Today, I am classed as nearly ready to fly solo by my buddy and others. Another member has 3 WOT4's, all foam-e and he felt I was ready for this plane. I can take off with ease and control, attain height without drama and turn etc using the alierons etc, it is just landing I find tricky which is coordination of the plane to the strip, speed and heights ok, just tend to be off-centre. Sometimes I get it right, times a bit bouncy, some times crash in equal measure. I am sure there are many who would say this plane is not right for me but that can only be based on what I have written here, the members at the field have shared my 2 years of learning and can assess me accurately, they have all flown WOT4 foam-e's. I am a long way off yet being able/confident to arrive at the field and simply go and fly and return in one piece, but I'll get there, maybe this year. My interest is to learn and be able to be safe and competent enough to fly the models i really like, my vintage Ben Buckle planes in still or 5 mph breezes, 3 channel. The plane is right in front of me. I have high hopes of success in reaching such basic levels in 2023.
  5. My Ripmax Foam-e has (had) that weight under the plastic cover, and it sure was glued in.. It will make the plane very aerobatic, great if you can handle that. However, this plane is sold as trainer and acrobatic. Surely, this should be the plane has the tail weight loose so the expert flyer can glue it in and do aerobatics, the novice starts with a calmer handling plane. It is the wrong way round. As to 2 summer hobbies, yes, that is true, but I race the car at weekends and fly if weather is good Tuesday or thursday mid week, but i must admit my stick time is very poor, i am also reliant on my buddy instructor to be available too which he usually is. I think I 'flew' about 8 times in 2022.
  6. To my surprise, Ripmax have replied to me concerning this plane and have asked for my thoughts by email. We shall see what may happen, but at least they replied first day back. The plane is now on 100mm dia wheels for the rough and tumble of our flied surface. Looks good too!
  7. That is a very good description of how the Kingfisher behaves, and the other club member who also has one finds the same. Looking forward to the WOT4. On the tail weight: I think some of these 'WOT4' designs may have been made with and without the weight. Another member said his has no weights in the tail. As to getting an A ticket...that could be some time off at my rate of learning, I'm not a natural but love this side hobby of mine and the flying field experience too.
  8. Thank you Nigel, my Kingfisher is very heavy due to the copious layers of Gorilla brown expanding glue in the front of the fuselage. When I crash I rally CRASH. Plastic screws for the u/carriage is a good idea, I will follow that up. I have fitted larger wheels already (club strip is quite rutted) but plan to go larger, have some to fit already. Chap at the field who can fly really well has a Kingfisher, and he thinks it a hard plane to learn on and the WOT is far better, so your thoughts are not alone.
  9. Thanks! I've been adopted by a really good flyer and teacher at the local Club and his patience is most welcome. He is all buddied-up Tx to TX so has rescued quite a few situations I have got myself into. I hoped this RC thing was simple, it certainly is not, but I never give up. I have crashed more times than I have landed, but soon in 2023 I hope to get over that and actually fly my Standard Buccaneer in a calm afternoon solo. That is the target!
  10. Just to conclude this little issue: I am still a novice/trainer so need a calm plane. Took the large weight out of the tail, probably the best bit of gluing on the whole plane. Took all the weight I put on the nose off. Battery in etc and the tail was 'just' too light, so added in the cavity back there 5 grams and put the patch back on. Now everything is well balanced (to the advice given to me by fellow WOT4 pilots at the club) and I'm happy. Just need some weather to trim and try it. As ever, thank you to all who have contributed.
  11. Learner: Yes, my largest battery used. 2 x bats I have are 15mm shorter than the other 2, so using the longest. The long ones are a perfect snug fit in the tight chamber. There is a club flyer who has 3 Wot$ electrics, maybe not Ripmax ones, but I'll ask him today and also the guy who is still my RC buddy on their thoughts.
  12. Thank you both. Now, the large weight glued by the factory into the tail base. If I remove it then a lot of the weights I added today will need to be removed to get 'level' again Is it best to remove the tail weight and re-set the balance, or leave it in the tail? Jonathan, saw your post elsewhere on this site. The plane's construction is very light compared to the FMS Kingfisher, only the motor mount is more substantial.
  13. So, what to do? plane built as boxed, tail drops like a stone @ 70mm c of g much the same at 80mm Plane then needs lots of weight to get slight none down. build plan out of the box and try to fly.I doubt my buddy n the field will take par!
  14. Just read that the model may have a good weight already in the tail! Have checked this, and well glued in is a substantial metal weight in the tail..... Will extract it tomorrow and see where the balance is. seems the ideal c of g is 82mm. I have only read a slight nose down is ideal for a novice, which is me!
  15. My batteries are a good fit in the nose too, and hence very secure, they are from 4Max. Thus everything thing in place, but about 60 grams of weight needed crowded on the motor mount to give a slight nose down angle T 80mm c of g. the cowl only just goes back on.
  16. Finally have this WOT4 together and working on the transmitter. What a lot of messing about in many areas. Really not impressed with the build of this plane, has taken 6 hours to finish and a LOT of weight added to the nose to get a slight nose down attitude. Instructions say weight may be needed to the tail... The C of G is stated as 70mm from the leading edge, this is printed wrong, it is 80mm and makes quite a difference to the weight needed in the tight nose. I could list a good dozen problems, but will save you all from that and send it to Ripmax. I wonder if anyone will respond?
  17. Thank you. I will keep sorting the model and it's issues, but I simply want to give feed-back so hopefully changes can be made. Quality control is needed, I have 3 hours in the build which is nearly done. I will contact Ripmax and see what happens. The wing has 2 good gouges in the top surface, clumbsy fingers when packing/handling, and other things. The FMS Kingfisher is a far superior product. I think with restricted control surface movements the plane can be a trainer and opened-up if I wish (much) later this 2023.
  18. I asked this because all the stickers and the instructions refer to Chris, even a whole page on Chris's background, just assumed it was by them! Instructions say it is distributed by Ripmax, not made by them (just 'made in China'), so design/manufacture source/contact not too clear! I've seen several WOT 4 electrics fly, and that is why I had one, but is is 'delicate' compared to my Kingfisher by FMS and had glue excess in places where a good fit is required, esp around the tail and elevator. I expect it to fly well, not convinced of its robustness as a trainer.
  19. I have just assembled a Wot4 Foam-e, a Xmas present. Most unimpressed by the quality and fragility of this plane, the fit and finish is poor compared to my long suffering Kingfisher. I want to contact Chris Foss about this via email, but the web site looks very old giving a FAX number to contact them. Does anyone have an email I can use please? The plane is from Ripmax via my local model shop. Thanks in advance, Graham.
  20. Doubt I will get it into the air this year, but taking it to the field tomorrow for my buddy man to look over and advise on surface movement. I am about to set the ele/ alien to the same ish movement as the Kingfisher making an assessment of the Kingfish surface area v this SU 26m's areas. Going for about 5 to 8 degrees both ways, hope that will be about right for my skill base.
  21. Thank you! All seems sorted now, it was 'operator error' ( of course). I had the ex connected to the esc in the Battery position, not throttle position... with all other controls disconnected, just the esc lead to the Throttle pin 1, followed the advice on here and all is correct. Throttle all works, and have all the control surfaces all responding correctly by orientation. Juat have to set the movement ranges now as all surfaces move at least 45 degrees which would make for a wild flight.. As ever, thank you to all and your patience in helping a novice get sorted. Really like this plane.
  22. The 610 has arrived from Nick and looks good. Thought I would have a stab at getting thing basically set up. Remeber this is a gifted plane and has seen a few adventures with a lot of Gorilla glue around the front and the esc does not look good, part of the electronics are exposed (capacitors) so I am suspicious.. selected a New Model on the DX6 and bound the 610 quickly. put the control connections in and have mode 2, good so far... However, the RS keeps on beeping at me, the red light is on steady, controls work, motor does not. The beeping sounds like an alarm that something is not right and witha dead motor is this what the 610 will do? Thinking of fitting a new esc from 4 max for the motor, but I thought I would ask you first, is the esc duff?
  23. Not sure what the difference is. I should have said it will be electric using 3 cell batteries.
  24. Interesting. My buddy flyer likes the plane as it is, but he is very confident. Ive been told I can have a 4 ch UnoWot for Xmas!
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