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Joshua Henderson 1

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Posts posted by Joshua Henderson 1

  1. Hi Jon,

    I would be happy to help in anyway I can.

    i have a few suitable test bed models that can be used/ adapted for any of the engines and then further down the line will be flying at a few shows next year and have some nicer models I can fit to.


  2. Flyinfynn

    Please put a link on here when gig start building.

    what size are you building and with what components?

    I like the idea of being able to cut a full kit hence the sizing as the Eleksmaker A3 only have a small cutting area.

    Im sure some way with the Extended frames they can be supported somehow? Just don’t know what to buy as a start for the laser cutter/ setup to then tinker with?

  3. Good evening Everyone.

    I am looking to put together one of these with a cutting area of around 1m by 0.5m

    What is the best way of going about this for bits and pieces? Buy the 2.5w A3 kit and modify? If so what is needed to make it work or maybe another way?

    will post the build on here for help and tips.



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