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Graham LL

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Posts posted by Graham LL

  1. Limobob, Danny, Jon and others

    Having completed my Fury to the point of flying, a few finishing touches required now that is still in one piece, I have just started a BT Hurricane from a kit purchased before Traplet became Sarik. I have a Laser 120 ready to use. I am not such an expert at building as youselves so any tips and pictures would be welcome.

    Did anyone have success ordering retracts from Unitracts? 

    Best wishes 

    Graham, Brisbane, Australia

  2. I have been building my Fury in fits and starts and I am now at the stage of doing a final assembly before covering. It has been a real slog having discovered the problems with the formers before the forum discussions, wire bending etc. Thanks to all who have provided interesting comments and photos. Congratulations to all who have finished their models and to a much higher standard than I could hope to achieve.

    I have stuck the the plan with the single top wing, now I have to work out how to fit it into the car. I am aiming for flying not competition standard otherwise it might take another year.

    I have a couple of questions:

    I have a Laser 70 which fits inverted into the cowel without too much trouble but I would be interested to know if there will be enough airflow to keep the engine cool.

    Does anyone have a flying routine that follows a 1930s Fury airshow display? Having taken so long to build I would life to fly it realistically, not with excessive speeds or sports model aerobatics.

    I would love to come and see some of the finished models but I am in Aussie.

    Graham LL

  3. I have come into the forum late but I started building my Fury (slowly) a year ago. In case my approach is of interest to others I have made the following modifications to the plan based on my experience in building (and flying) a SIG Smith Miniplane (biplane) kit.

    Wings: spruce spars and leading edges. Carbon fibre strip instead of balsa for the training edge. I have put a blind nut into the spar at each of the flying wire / strut attachment points so that a bolt can be used to hold brackets for the flying wires and struts (better to physically attach the struts to the wings?). 3 not 2 hinge parts at each hinge to prevent any sideways movement. Single carbon fibre rod for the hinges for each aileron, not separate bolts

    Fuselage: Had trouble with F6 being too large. Used spruce for the stringers, these will not be glued into place until all the elevator, rudder and tail wheel installations are complete. Created a removable 'cockpit box' that can be detailed then installed from underneath.

    Fin/rudder: pullull to be used. spruce for the main upright of the fin

    Stabiliser/elevators: spruce for the stabiliser bar. single servo but separate elevator horns

    Undercarriage: I will make this wider than on the plan as suggested by Dick van Mourik in his 2004 article.

    Thanks for all your useful tips and comments. I might build and do a test fIight or two before doing the fine detailing just in case my flying is not up to it. I was lucky to find a Laser120 when I was in UK earlier this year so that is one problem solved.

    My main problem ahead is how will I fit it into the car?


  4. Danny

    I purchased a full Fury kit from Traplet before they went under and I am slowly working through the build. I have just found this forum and have read most of the useful comments from you all, particularly those on the cowl and the brass parts.

    Are there still any copies of the brass parts for sale?

    The main part trouble that I have had so far was that F6 seems to be too wide and created a bulge in the paneling that is not there on the original.



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