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Ian Laing

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Posts posted by Ian Laing

  1. Sitting here, just finishing off my latest build I started wondering . . .

    Are there modellers out there who manage to build a whole plan or kit without modifying some part of the build?

    I have never managed that fear. As soon as I start building my mind starts to see possible improvements or shortcuts. The result is I am sure I take at least twice as long to complete any build as I would have had I stuck mindlessly to the original design. I am not sure that my modifications have improved any aspect of the design, I just feel the completed model is more personal than otherwise.

    Needless to say I have never assembled an ARF for these very reasons.Come to think of it I could change the stickers and colour scheme, but it would still be just the same as all the other ARFs on the field.

  2. There is nothing new under the sun, or so they say. Mega-Man'selles with video cameras, it is such a stable platform that I think I may join you on the mega side of the fence!

    Talking about nothing new, the earliest radio controlled aircraft, that I know of, was a full size D.H. Tiger Moth in the early days of W.W. II. No Spektrum or JR for the controls but instead a telephone rotary dial, you dialled say 5 to turn left and maybe 6 for a right turn, you dialled for engine speed, etc. Don't think Health and Safety or the local council would classify it as a park flyer nowadays, but fly it did.

    Re-inventing the wheel can be fun, and I don't think I could get half the fun out of modelling if I did not get to try out new ideas (for me) each time I came across a building problem . . .

  3. Hi Mike,

    I''ve just noticed, you mention that Vic Smeed's plan for the Mamselle is on the back oft he plan of the Druine Turbulent, this I did not Know. Coincidently I'm building Vic Smeed's Ballerina at the moment (need to get my hanger full again after leaving almost everything behind in a museum in South Africa! I've fancied the Mamselle for some time so if I could make you an offer for the combined plan I would be more than willing.

    Regards, Ian

  4. Thanks John,

    I immediately ordered the fsp 613 plan when I read your post. It definitely seemed to be the right plan, I could just make out the wing slots in the picture, this convinced me! So, after fifty eight years, I'm now going to be able to build a model of one of the prettiest home build low wingers I know!

    Regards, Ian

    . . . And a BIG thanks to the Forum, you have always come up with the answers I need.

  5. Years ago I built and then lost O.O.S. a D.P.R. Rare Bird glider that I had made for my eight year old son.

    Thirty six years later his son has been told about the Rare Bird and now, "please would Grumpa" make me a Rare Bird!

    I will and shall if ever I can locate a Rare Bird plan, there must be one or two lying around! A .jpg scan of the plan is all I really need, so if anyone out there knows of one I know of a Grandchild who will be delighted!

    Thanks, Ian

  6. In the American RCModeller magazine (11-1973), George Chabot published a plan for the Kwik Stick, a quick build, skeleton type fuselage, normal wing model aircraft for .15 Glow Motor.>>

    I built the model, and for a long time it was my favourite aerobatic sport aircraft. One day as was want, the earth did rise up and smite my baby into many fragments. She was dearly missed!>>

    Come 2014 and I, in my dotage, now want to build another Kwik Stick. Along with other South African modellers, my model library and old kits and planes were donated to the Albertinia Flying models club with the idea that this would one day be the @eaze RCModellers Museum of South Africa.>>

    After that rambling start I will get down to what I want and need - a scan or plan in the magazine or a copy of the original Kwik Stick.>>

    A problem has come up with getting a copy. You are not allowed to copy a published plan if it is commercially available. The defunct American RCModeller does offer the plan on the internet for $16. I have been trying for years to get a response from them, occasionally someone will answer the 'phone and then disappear, I imagine the plan service is or was an attempt to make money, but the effort got unwieldy and is now in limbo. The bottom line is that the plan or thumb nail is not available anywhere and so sending an e-mail .jpg of the plan should now be legal>>



  7. A big thanks for the great service I have just had Horizon Hobby/Spektrum!

    I broke the Tx aerial of my Spektrum DX6i a while ago and ordered a new replacement aerial from my local hobby shop. When I tried to remove the old aerial connection to the RF pcb I managed to screw that up as well! My only hope now was to return the TX and new aerial to HorIzon Hobby and hope it could be fixed.

    Within a week my DX6i was back, completely fixed, new aerial fitted and NO CHARGE for the service . . . !

    Thank you Horizon Hobby/Spektrum!

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