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Gaz Elliott

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Everything posted by Gaz Elliott

  1. Yeah I have built a few of the depron models from there as well. i also have the mario go kart, Flyguy 4ft and 6ft , Sky man, Yak epp, stunt monkey, and a Pluma. Depron is great as it is cgheap and if all goes wrong the radio and parts are recoverable meaning a loss of the depron and glue only. A guy in your club does a cracking build on epp models. Complete set up bind and fly. Don't know his name though. But a neighbour has one and I then went on to build my Yak in a similar fashion. Weather well it will get better when the holidays are over!!!!
  2. Gaz Elliott


    Just cleaned out the filter on the lines. urghhh what a load of mushy stuff. Proving it does the job. However where can I get some of the wire mesh stuff to replace the inner disc. Model shops only sell the complete thing. waste of the rest of the components . Was thinking of using a hole opunch to get it sized. Cheers Gaz
  3. Hi James, I also live in that area and know a couple of people at your club. however I am with Nuneaton Club. I think any club is a good option. 1 for a decent safe flying site and secondl;y for the banter that goes with flying. Safe landings Gaz
  4.   This is really good. I like the use of the air swimmers and the Skyman diver to set a scene at ( about the 2 minute point)   Edited By Gaz Elliott on 08/06/2012 10:10:59
  5. Cheers Bill. You may have saved me a power train. The big shark did not do 30 or 35 c so i went for the 3300 25C rated lipos. The feedback is positive from other users anmd actually some says that they appear to be under rated ( As opposed to the Overlanders which i think are over C rated ) Will give them a go. Its the new type that they are selling Gens ace . I usually use the Loong Max but wotrth a try
  6. Just been lucky enough to get an ultra with. Multiplex power set up. But all info on the net just states 3200 3 cell lipo . Not many 3200s around , but what c rating for discharge should I get??? Tried a 4 cell on the 6x 5.5 but this would kill the esc as it pulled70 with the throttle not full. Does deny one have a suggested lipo or twill the 4 cell with small er pitch be okay ???
  7. Or use some acrylic paint and do your own use acrylic paint and tape off to do bands or your own design. Home bargains sell paint for £2 and that will cover loads more than film or trim
  8. here is a colleagues Super spam man!!! Excuse the gravelly voice but even with flu I could not waste the great sunny weather we had in bed!!!
  9. It is too addictive. I just bought 6mm depron and have started to cut out the 62 inch version . Got Mott parts just to order the 900 - 1000 kv motor which I found reasonably cheap. Poss use standard servos in this one as I have a few in various states of repair from early days flying . I( I had a good year last year and no crashes , all seems to be fitting into place now in a natural way . Not needing to focus as hard .) it is fitting on 3 sheets of depron . The plan says you put a ply support round the chin and into the neck. I think I will cut out in 3mm ply and depron . Sandwich together . The 31 inch build went together so easily. It was also my first build ( or even put together of an artf as second hand they all come ready built!!!) cost of the parts for 31 is £3 depron , £8 motor, £9 esc , 2x5.6 servos at £2.60 . Lipo is an800 mah 3 cell£7 , prop £1, push rod at £1. Paint was cheap from home bargains £2 . So about £40. The plan takes time to cut out and stick together. I then Sellotape at point to the depron to hold in place and cut round then finally cut through the taped area . Who shall be my next hero format ?????? I can hear Ken shouting for " Young Ashers, he is our hero!!!!!"
  10. As i say the servo was not fixed in only wedged with pressure and had worked loose so steering and trimming was interesting . Flight was good and look forward to the next one with glued in servos!!! no music so turn sound down as it was a little windy!!
  11. Yeah i have finished the build which is reall really simple and just now waiting to maiden. I have had a race round the garden though. Flying wings was the place i used to get the EPP and robot birds for the electrics. although there are other good suppliers.
  12. Great stuff . Decided to get a 2500kv motor £8 from robot birds . 4.75 pitch and diameter prop and 3 cell. Awesome watts of 135 at 220g so about 270 per lb . Probably pitch down . Test flight and off he went at half throttle into search for someone in distress..... Little did he know I es the most distressed but all went smoothly . Great build and great flight . Looking firsts to flying in a little less windy conditions ss it was at the limit for this size I think . Video to insert but you tube doesn't give the old embed code on my iPhone on a address so will have to wait til on pc . All cut from 1sheet of depron mega value plane!!!
  13. Posted by ken anderson. on 10/03/2012 17:11:24: gaz-you will need sherlock holmes on the case to identify it on the clue's you have given us.....a name/brand would be handy...... then you should be able to 'google' it for some info..... ken anderson ne..1 .... clues dept sorry that's all info. Hence the question. It never had a label. I have searched 10amp esc to see if I could find unstuctions . The mighty forum was my last hope . It is a very basic esc clear shrunk wrapped . Thanks all for looking in.
  14. Hi all, i found a small esc believe to be a 10amp. i hooked it up to a motor but it is a little bravelly on a slow throttle raise. full throttle quickly does not se an issue. In programme mode it emits 5 single bleeps followed by 5 double bleeps. Any one got an esc like this they could advise me as to what to do with it???   Cheers Gaz   This is for a mario kart. Just built the fly guy and a surfer due addictive this EPP depron game!!   Yes I know the title is spelt wrong. Brain moves faster than my fingers!!! Edited By Gaz Elliott on 10/03/2012 16:44:35
  15. Just finished the fly guy and the surfer dude and have ordered the parts for a flying go cart. Looks great fun!!
  16. Okay I need some help to confirm. the airframe rx esc servos weights 193g ( no motor or battery) I have an emax 2812 1600kv motor and 3 cell lipo 800mah 20c ( 67g lipo and 38g battery) totla 250g on the watt meter this set up pull 65 watts and 6 amps on a 5 x 5 prop This is about 120watts per pound. Question is should i go for a higher kv motor to get more watts or would this be okay???
  17. Mmm longer than 12 months . 5 years in total learning new stuff all the time.
  18. Ken this is a super hero. His hands are bionic!!!!It is suggested to tape his nose as the landing tends to scuff it a bit as the video shows. Motor i have found a cf2812 in my box and wil have a play with this it will certainly have enough power. and iI will adjust with either 3 or 2 cell. need to use a prop of 5inch diameter maximum. this is advertised as 5inch prop motor Will defo use the watt meter
  19. I broken mine in line withe the front of the battery bay. It still flew without the nose cone!!!! Got to be one of the best planes for keeping in stick time as it flies in reasonable wind and can be flown ( if permitted) almost anywhere. But indoor is poss pushing the my limits!!!!
  20. Motor suggested is an 1806 2500kv motor from hobbyking but out of stock so which motor is best~~~~~? pole an stator from Robot birds 3800kv 10g in weigt 7.4lipo 9amps 14850 rpm load speed GW/EP5030 prop 225g of thrust or this from BRC Specification: * Type: BRC D1811 * Class: Brushless * KV (rpm/V): 2000 * Number of cells: 2S LiPo (7.4V) * Maximum current: 6A (for 20 seconds) * Constant current: 4.5A * Dimensions: Diameter 18mm, Length: 30mm (including mount & shaft) * Shaft diameter: 2mm * Weight: 10g (with mount) * Recommended ESC: 10A * Prop range: GWS 5 x 3 Hyper Drive or GWS 7 x 3.5 Hyper Drive * Recommended for models in the 4 to 7 ounce range. your help is appreciated
  21. ggHere some photos . just the radio gear and motor to insert
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