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Lee Damms

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Posts posted by Lee Damms

  1. I'm unable to access MyHobbyStore via the link in the shopping partners section  on the home page I get error 404 ,  the other links appear to be ok,  anyone else suffering with this problem?
  2. Ken, I'm jealous the model looks great, now the lettering I was going to use is a script type font thats on my computer and I was going to cut this out of solartrim I think I might have to do a test piece and see how it looks.  Ralph thats a very interesting video I'm going to try and find an equivalent to the "Glad press an seal"  it looks amazing stuff, hopefully when I get it sorted I'll get a photo put up but looking at your Junior 60 Ken like the saying goes a good big un looks better than a good little un and yours looks good.
    Thanks for the advice guys
  3. Hi Guys
    I'm wanting to put some lettering on the wing panel of my Ben Buckle Mini Super which I intend to cover in Solartex but I've heard that solartrim does'nt stick to solartex very well.  Is there anyway to stop the trim coming off by say spraying over with a type of varnish or perhaps going round the edges with clearcoat ?   Failing that if I have to paint the lettering on how do you stop the paint creeping on the solartex surface,  Any advice greatly appreciated.
  4. I'd recommend poundland and poundworld for thin cyno 3 x 10g reusable bottles with extension nozzles Edwards brand,  used to be 4 x 10g bottles Toolbox brand.  These are sometimes held at the counter presumably to stop some folk sticking them up their nose.
  5. With a pot on my left foot I'm reading this lot, had it in plaster a week after I'd gone searching for my model in the willows,  this was after one of my perfect landings in the willows due to depth height perception failings.   I'd been flying all day no problems then the sun finally burns away the overcast sky we get bright blue clear sky and I dump it twice in the willows (no damage)   Now I did find out that people who go clay pigeon shooting can have the same problem and its always worse against clear blue skys,  I'll have to have a chat with the optician.  This only seems to affect me comming into land from one direction where the trees are about 50-60 metres away the other direction does'nt appear to be a problem at 30 metres.  Ooops gone off topic,  the rest of the lads had a good day yesterday and have probably been up at the field since 8-30am this morning but at least I had offers of a lift if I wanted.  Best wishes to all you flyers.
  6. Hi,  I've been given a damaged Priory Models Sillhouette and while this looks a very nice model I'm not keen on inverted engines.  Now somewhere on the net I remember seeing a thread stating if you don't like the engine inverted simply turn the engine mount and cowl round the other way, altering the engine thrust line will not affect the model.    Is this true or will it screw up the flight characteristics?  Should I leave well alone. 

  7. Hi Guys
    Latest update, still no reply from Ripmax after being informed my request would be sent on to the service dept (11/06/2009).  After a bit more digging  around on the net I found that people were fitting 1.1amp hold 2.2 amp trip polyswitches.  Anyway I ordered a pack of  ten from ebay,  £4.88p  type  MF-R110 and fitted one today across D1 next to the charging socket after unplugging the battery from the board.  I plugged the battery back in but left  it outside the transmitter  for testing  with  the back off just in case things did get hot in there.   Plugged in my pro peak prodogy charger set it to 300ma (still got original 700ma Nicad in here) to give it a whirl.   Perfect no problems, not yet anyway.
    Note to anyone else who does this,  it will invalidate your warranty, do not charge at more than 1amp through the charging socket and personally I'd leave the battery cover off while charging and I certainley don't leave the house while somethings on charge.  It will be interesting to see what Ripmax quote for the job if I ever get a reply.
  8. G-umpy
    A polyswitch sometimes known as a polyfuse is a self resetting fuse, on my 6ex futaba fit a diode in the charginging circuit as protection but this also stops you useing a charger such as my pro peak prodogy.  ie you can't charge or cycle your battery via the charging socket.   The mains charger that comes with the set  with its 70ma output is no good for a higher capacity battery.  I know some people in the states strap out the diode with fuse wire, not an ideal situation.  The annoying thing is these are fitted to some of the higher spec Transmitters.  I've also fired off an email to Radio South in the states because there was a thread on the net suggesting they do an after fit.  if you put polyswitch in ebay they are readily available in the uk,  see link
  9. Hi Guys,  Does anyone know what size/rating polyswitch  Futaba fit to their transmitters to enable charging via the socket.  I've already  aproached Ripmax as to can they do the work and the cost but no luck as yet.  My 6ex 2.4ghz transmitter is already out of warranty and polyswitches are readily available but before getting out the soldering iron I'd like to know what rating they fit.  I think these are fitted as standard on the 9c/9z transmitters.  Any advice would be appreciated  because I'd like to fit a larger capacity battery and charge it without having to unplug from the circuit board.  Any ideas Timbo if you're there.
  10. Hi Guys,  Does anyone know what size/rating polyswitch Futaba fit to their transmitters to enable charging via the socket.  I've already  aproached Ripmax as to can they do the work and the cost but no luck as yet.  My 6ex 2.4ghz transmitter is already out of warranty and polyswitches are readily available but before getting out the soldering iron I'd like to know what rating they fit.  I think these are fitted as standard on the 9c/9z transmitters.  Any advice would be appreciated
  11. Help!   I've also got a problem charging my Futaba 6exa 2.4ghz TX with a pro peak prodigy  charger.  Now I know the transmitter has a diode in and some people strap them out (not a good idea) but when I emailed Ripmax about polyswitches they just suggested removing the battery.   The last thing I want to do is keep removing the battery, does anyone know what rating polyswitch should be fitted because if Ripmax can't/won't help I'd do it it myself.  Incidently one of the Futaba transmitters comes with a polyswitch fitted, but I can't remember which one.  I suppose they may have saved a £1 not fitting them to the 6exa's
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