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Shared Gliding Site

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Hi all.

Managed to get some flying in at our NT site today. The air was a bit bumpy due to the wind having too great a westerly component - but I managed.

But a couple of issues reared their heads. It's a NT site so their bylaws obviously prevail.

1) I was aproached by a guy acting as steward for the day for the local Paragliders. We share the site as its public access. He came over to apologise for a para pilot who was down our end of the slope (local model clubs and the local paragiding clubs have a Gentlemans agreement that RC gliders use the western end of the slope and the paras use the eastern end). He was also saying that half the paraflyers there today weren't Hang Gliders and Paragliders club members and were unaware of the agreement we have. One flyer was from Northampton and, to paraphrase the steward (his words were stronger), couldn't give a two hoots for the local protocol. The steward then went on to tell me that a few were lone flyers with no club affiliation - probably having bought their paras off Ebay - and no PL insurance! Please note if you're visiting Ringstead/South Down in Dorset. Don't tar them all with the same brush.

2) Lots of cars parked on the slope (ie. right hand side of the track). They were nothing to do with any aerial sports, just visitors. Obviously they either couldn't read or couldn't care less as there's a sign at the entrance saying "Park to the Left of the track". Our steward friend went along the row pointing this out and got short shrift from some. Others moved their cars. If I acciDENTally (sorry!) hit their car are they deamed to having contributed to the incident?

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Unfortunately there's always these types who dont know through ignorance or just dont care until they get injured \ property of theirs gets damaged.

One year at our local sports day, the fields was roped off as lead weights were flying through the air. I approached one guy and asked him to go round the roped off area as lead weights would be in the air soon. His response was 'I pay my rates, I'll walk where I want'!

Not a lot you can do except make sure your insurance is up to date and you take all reasonable precautions.

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