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Hobbyking Delta ray


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Hi there

Just a quick question I hope someone can help with.

I am looking to get a hobbyking delteray but because of limited space in my truck I need to find out the height of it from the belly to the top of the fin (without the undercarriage attached) when on a flat surface.

I have tried the horizon hobby's website and have even tried to ring them but cannot get an answer, the nearest shop that I can go to and see one is about a two hour drive away, I know the fin is glued in place so I cannot remove it every time I want to take the plane out..

Thank you


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Dave as in my first post I have already tried to contact Hobbyzone who are also called Horizon Hobby U.K., and I am not sure if I could screw into foam that easily, could you please elaborate on how I could do this.

Watched the tutorial from Ian and maybe Velcro is possible but in the past I have had problems getting the Velcro to stick to the foam and parts have become detached, this was using the manufacture's supplied Velcro, or is there a specific brand I should look for ??.

I have tried to edit the heading to avoid confusion but cannot find out how to do this, sorry.

Thank you


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