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jan brilman

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Everything posted by jan brilman

  1. So, if you know someone who really has such a kit and can be trusted: please let me now! jan.
  2. And then I got a mail from a certain Jim Powell who sais: go to Ivan Darryl, he has one. Transferred money, and waited. Be aware (as I was not)! jan.
  3. You can all stop searching and asking around. 😉 Thanks anyway! jan.
  4. I have done exactly that. No response. But I am happy to inform you that we found one through 'Perma Grit'. jan.
  5. All very true. Nevertheless . . . jan.
  6. We are looking for the building instructions for the 98" Cambrian Models Skyvan. They exist. Cambrian says they have nothing. No kit, no plans, no instructions, no nothing. Strange . . . There must be modellers who have them stacked away somewhere . . . jan brilman.
  7. Hi everybody, I thought the plans with instructions were available through eBay from someone in the US, but unfortunately . . . No. 😔 So once again, will the person who knows someone who knows someone . . . I friend of mine and I would REALLY like to have the instructions. Thanks! jan.
  8. Thanks and yes, I saw the plans offered on Ebay. Looks as if I have to resort to that source. But than I still would love to have the building instructions . . . jan.
  9. Anything that you have: the whole kit, the building instructions, or the plans. Thanks! jan brilman Netherlands
  10. Hello everybody, Cambrian used to have a kit for a 98" Short Skyvan. Is there someone who perhaps still has the kit and is willing to sell it? I would also be interested in the building instructions, or just the plan. Anything. (And of course in more general information on the quality of the design, flying qualities etc.etc.) Thanks! jan brilman Netherlands
  11. By the way, the other day I was looking (again) at the plans and noted that there is a (I think ) huge mistake. The rear side of the fuselage is drawn far too wide (compared to the Mariusz Lukasik drawings). The corresponding former is also drawn wrong. Be aware. (Anyone building the model?) jan.
  12. For an outsider it's pretty hard to draw a conclusion from all this. Is there an one sentence long conclusion? 😉 jan.
  13. It's really sad to hear all this. 😔 'Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd never end . . .' Etc.etc. jan.
  14. As far as twisting is concerned: in the case of an airfoil with a flat bottom, sanding of the top of course is not a problem. Otherwise you wil have to support the block and template ribs to prevent them from twisting. As you can see I use magnets; that makes it very easy to adjust the supports. jan.
  15. With the usual rib block there is always the danger that one also sands away the template ribs a little. This method prevents that. (May be someone else also has figured this out, I don't know . . . ) The cardboard has to be splippery, and must be exactly the same height as the sanding paper (I used P80). For the spars: make exactly fitting, similar, dedicated tools. Tapered wings etc.: everything is possible. Have fun! jan brilman.
  16. Hello everybody, Is there anyone who knows how when where etc. this year? So far found that Barkston Heath won't have you, but . . . I've sent a mail to the BMFA: no response whatsoever. Would love to see the Free Flight Scale Competition again . . . 😃 Thanks! jan brilman Netherlands
  17. How can you build a wooden model and keep the shop that clean? 😮 Amazing. Fuselage is coming along fine! (I bet there's more people watching.) jan.
  18. Looking good! You are using the wood pack from Sarik? Parts fits like a glove? jan.
  19. Well . . . BT does that, Dennis Bryant not . . . jan.
  20. Now we're at it . . . Of course I have seen the Dennis Bryant plan (that is, at least part of it.) That one is of course also an option (although quiet a big model . . .) Is someone willing to send met the build article? Please send a PM and I will give my mail adress. Thanks! jan.
  21. Nice to see all the comments and remarks! Just back from a short trip to Edinburgh with the girlfriend . . . Very nice! And, will she (?) have arrived? Yes, she's in the mailbox! 😀 Will start reading thoroughly soon. jan.
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