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john kirkham

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  1. thanks will try thanks 
  2. i have a cox engine i must  have had it about 20 years never been run fitted it to a plane this morning to find that the glow head has gone does anybody know where i would get a new head for one i have been to all my local model shops and they haven't heard of one or know where i will get a replacement one from i have just built this model especially for this engine
  3. where would i find a onboard glow unit and how much would they cost   
  4. hi i have an brand new sc 52 fs which seems to be running fine with glow lead on then when you take off the glow lead it loses power and slowly comes down the revs till it stops i have cleaned the needle valve and throttle housing the strangest thing is when it is on the test bentch it runs like a dream no spluttering or losing power. Could it be because it is mounted upside down in model and right way up on the bench. 
  5. i have an sc fs52ar which when running needs to be kepted above half throttle for it to idle has any body had this problem before   
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