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Posts posted by CARPERFECT

  1. Paul C. Not sure which parts list you have been looking at ? But just engines has the full asp range of engines all blown up , and fs 52 has the woodruff key as has the 61. as they are the same engine. The 70 and 80 being the same engine do not they have a woodruff key but a collett . as does the 90


    Edited By CARPERFECT on 12/08/2019 20:23:30

  2. Good luck with that. No bids so far ? and there is another one for sale but less money. and no one making spares for them. ASP/SC/Magnum fs range all good engines. i have 7 of them. ASP are a victim of there own success . Out of those 7 , i only bought one new, people were not buying new. Just engines have limited stock of spares, and are having some spares made themselves.

  3. The only way to have a throttle on/off safety switch is Throttle cut. And as you have said Frank, that option is not available in glider mode. So Areo mode is the only option, then if you want butterfly/ crow or whatever , the it must be done in a mix

  4. Hi Johnathan, This is what you want to build ?. They are very easy to build, I built this years ago, They may have changed a few bits over the years, mine has foam wings, sheeted. It has an ASP fs 70 up front.. Where abouts in the country are you ? Its having a day out at Pontefract this Sunday 14/7/19

    Wots Wot

    Edited By CARPERFECT on 13/07/2019 20:32:33

    Edited By CARPERFECT on 13/07/2019 20:34:13

  5. Ripmax have been very low to nothing, regarding Chris Foss artf models for a long time. When they made the wot 4 both i.c. and leccy. you had to buy the extra conversion kit. They were like rocking horse poo. same with the engine mounts. Something is wrong, but nobody is saying anything. Next thing we will hear they will have gone the same way as ASP / SC

  6. This has come about from the lack of police .there is nobody to enforce the law. it will get worse, I teach people to drive, and see this everyday. Yesterday we approached a pelican crossing at red, with too men crossing. the car in front just drove on, passing just behind the men, we had stopped with a cop car behind us, and the copper did nothing. so its time to live with the times. as it will never return to how things were.

  7. We have about 15 aircraft in our house, most are mine, but 4 belong to my son (age 24) He has not flown for two years , busy with Uni and new job, But i fly his when i want to, So would he have to register and pay ? for me to use them ?

  8. Thanks Steve J for answering my question . And if that will stand up in law that`s great. All clubs after do is is put the club name down as the operator and pay £16.50 . And all club members take test and fly . no cost to them. Anyone out there care to say otherwise ?


    Edited By CARPERFECT on 18/05/2019 14:48:14

  9. What if you are a business and teach people to fly ? I have 50 planes that people come and use, borrow, all the planes would have the same registration number on. Do i as the owner register for both parts , take the test and pay £16.50 and the people that my planes just do the online test and pay nothing ?

  10. It`s easy with the 8 and 10 j.

    set up a mix . master is throttle, slave is gear so channel 3 and 5. in the mix you set rate to +100 mix to on. Plug your second engine into channel 5 . in screen 1 select Aux-chan it shows channels 5 to 10. against ch5 change the control to dt5 or dt6 this will give you your trim for the second engine.

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