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Garry Smith 4

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  1. Hello all I installed the FrSky hack module in my Futaba T7cp which works a treat, does anyone know if I can use my TX on Phoenix or real flight sim's or will I need to pick up a cheep TX for this? Many thanks Garry Smith
  2. hello all A quick question I have just received the DHT hack module which I intend to install into my Futaba T7, I notice the 3 way switch has an FW position intended for firmware update, is this module updateable if so how or is it something that's not been utilised? Many thanks Garry
  3. Thanks guys I appreciate the help, one last quick one on reading about the receivers for FRsky, tho bond instructions state the tranny has to be in PPM mode, does this mean that once bound then all the servos have to go through a flight controller as it's set to PPM? Thanks Garry
  4. Brilliant thank you for the quick reply, makes more sense now when Looking at the FRsky diy module. Thanks Garry
  5. hello all I emailed Futaba's tech support to try to get some help with putting an FRsky DIY hack module into my T7CP as I'm not that gifted in knowing which wires to cut and where to solder connections, I have done a few searches but there doesn't appear to be an idiots video. Interestingly Futaba recommended I use a product called Tactic Anylink http://www.tacticrc.com/anylink/anylink2.html Has anyone used or is using one? Thoughts or comments please And before someone says why don't you just buy a new transmitter, I can't afford it due to a life changing illness. Many thanks Garry
  6. Hi all, After a number of years (10 or so) out of the hobby things have moved on quite a bit, could someone kindly point me in the right direction / web site for make and model for: 1-lipo battery 2-speed controller 3-motor. Apologies for probably what everyone will see as stupid questions but the last time I flew I was using glow fuel on a FF7 on 35mhz I need some thing small and fun to build and play with. Thanks Garry
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