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jan A.

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  1.  Here is the lik to the vid  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUtnlUW6-g
  2. Maiden ! Finally found the time and then the courage to maidenn the yak. A totally horrible event in wich you attach your beloved project to a bungee and catapult it away. To limit the amount of stress I do it alone, so there is a video, but nobody was holding the cam. coditions were good, sunny ad a steady light breeze.  Learning from tonys experience I put the Cog half a cm before the plan cog (+-3.5cm from LE) Launched it with zero throttle out of fear of it pitching up violently (the power coming from underneath does not reassured me) lauched straight like an arrow....  Flew like a trainer, only faster, but what a ice thing to fly, slower than my f20 but far more elegant. one drawback , on the 3rd flight I managed to put it in a flat spin, powered my way out of it, saved the plane, blew the motor ( wich I saw coming) Rememberring that edf's need speed, and not to fool aroud too much with them  So I'll be replacing the motor, wich means open heartsurgery. But this gives me the chance of remake the botton wich does eed to be reinforced, oracover is just not enough. Now I can also finish the details like cockpit an decals. Never do easthetic work on a plane that does not fly you know  Cheers    
  3. jan A.

  4. Hi,  It has been a while since my last posting, working alot, and been on skibreak so the build slowed down a bit; been back on it this weeked though  finnished the fuse underneath, built in the servo, but provided only one elevator servo pushrod. I'm used to doing that way, will work just fine. did not place the esc in the exhaust, so hope it won't get too hot, we'll see. Pushing out a nice 1200gr of thrust. hopefully not much less than the auw  the covering turned out to be a lot of work, the next one will certainly be in fiberglass. glued the wings on, and managed to spill glue on the nice new wings, will have to recover a patch   still some covering underneuth to do, fixig all the control survaces, the cockpit,...  
  5. jan A.

  6. jan A.

  7. Parts arrived at the cabinet today, and tested the setup this evening. I put myself on a budget for this one to keep the misses accepting this money pit of a hobby. esc HK 60 amp 14$ motor; Turnigy Typhoon 450H 2218H Heli Motor 3450kv 13$EDF Ducted Fan Unit 6Blade 2.75inch 70mm 6 $ (Its a gamble, I know maybe I will stil change it to the HET 6904 fan) BEC 3a 4$3770 20c 4s lipo 35$  total 72$ 800watt, 58 amps, motor runs hot at full throtle, but will be fine just if i don't run it too long at max. I will let you guys know what gives out first  Jan  
  8. jan A.

  9. Covered the wings, going a well visible color sheme (dark red/gray). will do the same with the fuse over the next days, awaiting the edf parts to arrive. so far so good, not perfect but well enough for a first try  
  10. jan A.

  11. jan A.

  12. ok, did the wings this week, and I dont like doing those, so many ways to screw up. they looked very bad for a log time, but came out fine in the end Managed to destroy the 1.5mm sheets for the wings, so I did the upper sheeting with 2mm sheets lying around. can only be stronger. the construction of the duct housing underneeth was quite a fiddly job.  430 gr so far, but still n eed to do the tail, sheeting underneath and covering wich will be oracover for this one, I shall use fiberglass on the next (f9f panter maybe)  Tony , when will your next take off be? please make a vid.     finally its lookig like a plane, not a canoemore updates as work progresses  cheers Jan
  13. jan A.

  14. jan A.

  15. jan A.

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