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Tom Flynn 1

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Posts posted by Tom Flynn 1

  1. I thought I would add this picture of one I started years ago, and I have dragged it down will the idea of finishing it thanks to lockdown.

    no Canopy, so I filled it in and will use a different colour film. The poly filler on the fuselage is a building error, where I was happily rubbing down in the garden on a windy day, and suddenly it was gone, laying on the patio in pieces, and I wasn’t going to start again. I still fancy The DB Sports model, which I’m noting to get for a while, but at least I have started having a go. Servo,s in the wing, not as the drawing. Plus OS46 upfront, also not as drawing which recommends a 4 stroke. I have made the rudder as per the DB model. Now I’m looking through my bits for a round tank as I prefer the Slec square tanks.



  2. Hi Erfolg

    i know how you feel, I have just got some enthusiasm (but not a lot) up to try and finish 3 planes, I started before lockdown was even thought of.

    The car needed an MOT this week, and that was on my mind for days before hand. I didn’t want to go out. Although I’m happy to go to the allotment, in between this continual rain. I suppose I know I will be on my own.

    I also haven’t missed flying, or fishing, mainly as now I can’t stand the cold. I flew all year and fished every other Sunday, but not now. I must admit I can’t wait to get back to NORMAL, not as one has commented about the new normal.

    At our age I feel I have been robbed of a year or more, a time that we cannot afford to give up. A year we will never get back no matter what.

    This time last year, we were just packing, and getting ready to go on a cruise, not realising that the world was about to go mad and ruin everything.
    So I’m sure most of our feelings at the moment are down to what we are living through, and our age, as we are all missing what we have had taken away. Hopefully we will get our mojo back when we have had the vaccine and can see a real light at the end of the tunnel, not just a candle flickering.


  3. That plan has given me sleepless nights. When I started it, I did the fuselage first. So I cut all the formers out and started to build, but I’m still convinced the largest 2 formers are not concentric on the drawing. Out they came and I reworked them.

    The ends of the wings were interesting, to say the least. Then we came to the canopy, I finished up with Coke and water bottles cut up to fit. They never looked great to say the least.
    I covered it in the same colours as the article, and on that faithful day at the field, I managed to persuade one of the instructors to have the first flight, and much to my surprise it just flew away with no problems. As a novice then I didn’t realise how pleased I should have been. Today I would have called it a pussy cat to fly.

    If I built another one, I may need another lockdown to finish it, and I would sheet the canopy and just use a cream or black profilm rather than worry about clear plastic.

    Now where can I buy some balsa sheets ................



    Edited By Tom Flynn 1 on 11/01/2021 12:28:24

  4. Hi Piers, that plan is the route of the problem. I built one back 1991/2 which was not the easiest of builds from that drawing. The canopy being the biggest problem.

    I put an FP 35 up front and it flew a dream. I really liked the model. I flew it all year until the engine cut on take off, and broke the wing where the join is on the dihedral. I mended it but for some reason it would not take off, and when it did it was totally out of control. I was a novice back then, so pilot error all the way.

    I couldn’t go through that again, hence seeing the DB model I went for that.

    I still have the drawing but it’s a bit tatty now.


  5. Hi everyone, following on from this old post, I turned this Jodel back into an IC model with no problem, and it flew very well. I then went and did the unthinkable, at a weak moment I sold it to a fellow member of the club I belonged to then.

    I have been trying to find another one ever since, I didn’t want to buy a new one, but lockdown is here again so that build would keep me quiet. I see DB Sports are having issues at the moment so I can’t buy one there. But I see there is one on Sarik, but it’s for a .61 engine, so my question is has anyone made this plane from this Drawing and is it worth venturing down this road. All comments are welcome.



  6. Well I have nearly finished my Mini Cat, but I was struggling to make it electric. Not enough room for the LiPo etc.
    But it’s all in now, so I’m happy with it. Moving surfaces to be added and then covering. While I was building the memories came back of the first one I built, which was IC. So having just been through the cupboards in the garage I have located a Thunder Tiger .15 which I bought years ago which I have never run. I’m now thinking of building another to accommodate that engine, and I’m sure the build will be more straightforward than this one.

  7. Hi Paul

    like you I have built most of the Cat family over the years. I have made a couple electric, the .25 Version twice.
    the model with the .40 Street Cat I must have built 4 of them over time.
    my drawing in now in a very poor condition, but I keep looking at it, I have a set of wings on the beams, but no fuselage.
    This mini cat will be electric, the previous model was IC and I had an issue of landing on long grass. with the exhaust pointing down, the firewall would come unstuck. Which eventually was it’s demise.

    All great flyers and easy to build, but I have had C of G issues with most.

    Thank you for the info and pictures.


  8. Hi all

    Well with what’s been going on I decided to tidy up the garage, on the top rafters I have found a couple of models that I started. On one I have cut out Several formers and made a jig to cut the wing formers out. The drawing is with it, in not a great condition, but good enough to build the plane.

    But I cannot find the magazine anywhere. I’m looking for a copy of the build notes. If anyone can copy, or scan in I would appreciate their help.

    The Drawing is from the Radio Modeller back in January 1993.
    thanks all.


  9. Thank you all for the contributions, I have now retrieved the drawing from the loft, and had a good look at the drawing. After studying it more, I think the sandwich method is doable. Once I set the centre line straight on both templates and pin them in place, I have a feeling I may get a result. All I need now is see what I can buy from balsa cabin.

    thanks again


  10. hi flyers

    I have been helping in clearing a modellers hanger out and have come across a Cox Sky Copter. It’s new in the box and bought while this guy was living in the USA.

    Im really looking for any idea if this model is worth anything as it will go with the rest of the assets to be sold.

    The model has never been started, it has just sat in the garage, in the box, showing a few hanger rashers.



  11. Nigel R

    i think you will find that Alister Darling launched a £500 billion rescue package to the Bankers(W) , which saw the tax payer pick up large shares of many major banks. This money which came out of the country’s budget has led, still going on today, to the underfunding that every service this country has depended on. The NHS being the major victim, without going on about policing, special needs, libraries etc.

  12. I agree Solly, neutral is one thing they are not. Their political bias really winds me up. They are the same as all large companies, far too many chiefs and overpaid Indians.

    if Boris wins and delivers Brexit, then the BBC should be his next challenge, as they really need a vast reorganisation from top to bottom, and made to stand on their own two feet rather than being subsidised by the poor old tax payer, who after bailing out the greedy bankers, feels that the money wasted on these 2 should go on the NHS.

  13. Well as a fisherman, as well as a happy aero modeller, I expect the enforcing of the rules for both hobbies will fall into the same category. I think I was a very young man the last time anyone ever asked to see my fishing licence. People make sure you have paid to use a lake or pond, (club membership) but never the license. So I’m convinced there are many out there who don’t bother with a licence. Coming back to enforcing the proposed new idea leaves me with the same thoughts. Our club was recently broken into and a mower and other bits were stolen, the first member to arrive to fly rung the police, and was told straight away that they were to busy to attend, and given a crime no. So how or who are they going to get out to all these clubs to check up, especially when they are miles out of town down muddy lanes etc, and once they arrive at the field there is no one flying. I fly during the week, and on the majority of occasions I finish up flying on my own. We have made club rules over the years at AGM’s on who and how you fly, but the committee had to admit that we cannot enforce our own rules except on busy Sundays. If they leave the enforcing to the club officials then good luck on that one. We will end up paying the £16.50, taking the online safety test and as long as they have the money that will be the end of it, sorry for being cynical, but that seems to be way it is. While we moan about the stupidity of the proposal, the rouge drone pilots will carry on in oblivion doing what they want without a care in the world.

  14. Being in the unenviable position of having a box full of 35mhz RX which we find in today’s RC world are redundant. Today, does anyone have a use for these items, or should they be sent to the dump.

    I am surprised to see how many of these RX are on sale on the normal selling sites, and the amount of money some people think they are worth. Needless to say no bids ever seem to be made or evidence that any are sold.

  15. I had the same thing, guy was going to buy my plane, and after sending him extra pictures and lots of info. He Then said his courier was going to pick it up, which I was hoping was true as I wanted then sale. He told me a cheque was in the post, then his bank was going to sent a cheque, as he was a salesman and always on his travel. Which by then I didn’t believe, then he wanted my bank details.

    So that was that, I contacted BMFA who told me it was a scammer. I wasted a lot of time with the toe rag, but I did sell my plane in the end, a few weeks later.

    Most of my sales and purchases have been successful, but you always get one.

  16. Hi Piers, thank you for the info. Yes it looks an ideal topic for MB, but it does look a bit like the Ballerina. But you never know. The plan looks good, with the come and build me appeal. I took the Ballerina out yesterday for its last flight of this year, as at my age cold weather and me don’t get on very well.

  17. I have just got the October RCME and the plan inside. So having had a good look at it I fancy building the model. But as I’m not a lover of cutting out endless amount of formers etc I was wondering if there was a package of CNC cut parts etc that I could buy. If anyone can help on that front I’d appreciate the help.

  18. Well I have built 3 of the Mass Builds, those years being a single model. Also I have not started straight away as I have waited to read some of the build threads entered by those who really know what they are doing.

    lastly I have waited to buy a CNC wood pack If one has been cut. The Ballarina has been the best, and I have just refurbished mine, and changed the engine position.

    So for me if you have a single build I’m in, but the years we have ended up with several models then I have not bothered with the build or even bothered to read the threads.

    So for me pick one model and let’s stick with it. Any model taking in a range of 25 to 40 ic size engine, or equivalent electric seems the most popular. Let’s stick with the build but agree on one model. Maybe after the battle of Britton TV programme we should pick a warbird, Cambrian kit or plan. It’s down to the readers not me.

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