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Paul McCaughey

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Posts posted by Paul McCaughey

  1. Hi Phil,

    Thanks for the info. I did look at the pssa site but found that most of the suppliers listed don't produce kits anymore.

    The mass build of the a4 being Feb probably cuts down the time I will have to do it. Was hoping to pick something up pre Christmas.

    Looks like a conversion or the Vulcan might be a good idea. Ripmax kits appear to be discontinued now.

    Best bet might be to find a flyer now and do the mass build late Feb. Just need to see what comes up in used market.

  2. I have a foamy t-45 goshawk for lightweight pss but was looking to get something else for stronger winds. I stupidly never got my finger out when a new in the box island models aermacchi kit came up the other month. I mulled it over to long and it was gone.

    So I now have a few different thoughts on scratching the itch!

    - Does anyone know of any kits for sale? (not just island models or aermacchi)

    - Can anyone point me in the direction of any other suppliers of kits? I found a few but they look to be out of date/no longer operating.

    - Should I hold off and do the mass build of the a4 I spotted in a thread on here?

    - Should I get something RTF that just needs RX an battery putting in it? Does anyone have or know of any pss models for sale?


  3. Martyn, the motor magnets are likely lose through vibration or on the tape competition landings. epoxy is what they are stuck in with at the factory. keep an eye on them and inspect if any strange noises reappear.

    The maxon gear box is decent enough if kept below 400w. Had the detail explained by our expert up here with regards another gearbox similar to maxon. Apparently the front bearings won't last long if consistently above 400w. If you have further problems drop me a msg and i will pass on details for you to contact him. He repairs/supplies motors gearboxes for thermal soarers in the competition scene.

    The pulsar is a competition level model and if you check the new airframe price you will see why few are about in general circulation. They tend to stay in the hands of competition flyers who frequent more specialised forums. (barcs, esoaring, etc) Get some practice in and visit a comp. It's fun and one of the best challenges out there.

    As for gearbox grease, I am sure those that need greased use the white lithium grease.

  4. closest club would be dumbarton/ clyde valley / queens view. all over an hour away.

    model shops are thin on the ground. best option would be to call in advance and reserve stock/order items in. closest will be CMF hobbies/Uddingston models in Glasgow. Ayr model centre, scoonie hobbies and Marionville are the others likely to have what you want but will be 2hrs away.

    SAA should be able to advise if there are country members in the area you could meet up with. i suspect there will be an obliging local farmer/landowner. slope and waterplane flying sites should be easy. the only issue will be the saltwater on as it's mostly all sea lochs. loch awe and loch lomond are close enough. loch lomond will likely be more problematic trying to get a flying spot.

  5. Looking for some more pointers...

    I have a v-tail glider with spoilers and motor.

    I have been trying to get this set up using plane and glider modes but can't seem to get what I want.

    I need rudder and the elevator on right stick.

    I need differential adjustment on the tail. I can get this if I set the wing as elevon in plane mode. If set up as v-tail I can't seem to get it.

    I also need motor and spoilers on throttle stick with the motor able to be turned off with a switch.

  6. The last batch of p2k's took about 8weeks to be restocked in UK warehouse. I just missed them. The last batch that arrived in sold out within 4/5 days. Bixler2 has a similar restock and sales pattern as just got one of them for my nephew. The thing I can't understand is why if they know they sell out as quickly why they don't re-stock more. Seems the manufacturing times might be a hold up in getting stock out.

    Check the EU warehouse as shipping cost is OK from there.

  7. speedster, that for your video it really helped figure out what i was doing with the glider programming!

    i have the motor working in the flight mode i want, it's assigned to the spoilers(aka throttle). i was hoping to program in a mix that will allow the motor to be killed from a different switch so it's not triggered accidentally or on the ground. any unused switch will do. i tried a few different mix methods but couldn't get it right.


  8. i have been given 2 old slope soaring gliders that are serviceable but have been patched to hide various bit's of landing(& dog attack) damage. so the covering has seen better days. i am stripping the old covering from them both (easily the worst modelling task ever, especially on foam wings as there is more for it to stick to!) i am nearly finished stripping the first one after hours of work. i will then check the glue joints and repair any damage before recovering.

    the wings and tails are nicely hinged and i don' really want to split or redo the hinges as i won't make as good a job as what they are now. are there any tips or tricks i can utilise to recover these in place without resorting to removal?

  9. I don't know what position it puts people in but if it was me i would contact citizens advice, the 'judge' column linked above (they deal in cunsumer rigjts casds and can probably advise bdat course of action.) and possibly a solicitor asap.

    I suspect you will be in one of the following positions; your goods are still in the possession of the owner and could be classed as 'assests' to be liquidated or your goods have been sold without you being paid so you are a creditor of the business.

    Quite frankly I am appalled that this hasn't been resolved one way or another.
  10. You have flaperons set Steve. If the ailerons were going up they would be spoilerons. If you have flaps down and ailerons up as spoilers then its crow braking.

    I like the look of the libelle but I think I'll stick with my elf. Glad its getting more people trying mini gliders and dlg though.

    Bill/rowdy, where on the South coast are you? I am looking for slope sites in west cork of you know of any? Suspect I might need to go find some when I am there in the summer.

  11. i have mostly been flying micros the past few years and i kept my 1s batteries stuck to the inside of my tx case with the velcro. had to upgrade and expand the numbers of them due to different models and types so about to utilise an old minature whiskey gift tin as storage. going to put some velcro on a few strips of foam board so that i have them all 'sized' and ordered. the added benefit of the foam board strip is that you can orientate the direction depending on charge status. i tend to use terminal to the right = good to go.

  12. Lee is right with the rx and pushrods.

    on the v mount check that it hasn't been fitted with a smaller dia carbon rod which is causing movement. it should be a 0.8mm rod (i think, it was a while ago i changed mine after crash damage.)

    the heat shrink and ca method of joining control rods is light weight and works well. just make sure when you re-attach them that the trims are centred and the control surfaces are straight. the elevator is tricky as it's one piece i used a blob of blue tack on the front edge to set it level and then held it in place with some masking tape.

    if your control rod is popping out on the rudder then use a small bit of heatshrink over the end. your elevator should be held in by the mount but the rudder can occasionally pop out after landing if it gets jolted. i prefer the L bend and heatshrink on these over the z bends as the tail/rods are fragile and z bends can be an arse to get off the horn.

  13. Thanks for the suggestions. I probably need to have something that is capable of slope and thermal. Not sure if anything will be that versatile? It will also need to be fairly resiliant as I've still got my L plates on!

    I think I had the camera setting on the wrong one. The sky was a fairly murky grey. It did take on a strange hue at times. Only when the glider was heading directly away from me and the profile was low was it a problem, sunglasses probably never helped. I should really have had on my low light cycle glasses.

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