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David Matin

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Everything posted by David Matin

  1. Hi, I finally got my hands on the mag with the Typhoon plans included as i've been looking out for it for a while, and was pretty excited to start building it,  till i read that there is an issue with the plans.....  This is a real pain... I was intending to order the canopy+cowl etc, but i was going to start the build and have it ready for when the parts arrive. now it's a no go. That, and the ordering system for these parts for international customers who cannot call the dept is a real a major effort. I've never found it so hard to order items and give people my money before! Sorry for venting, but i'm kinda disappointed over this. Any chance RCM&E can get an easy to use ordering system? i checked the current offering but was unable to find just the canopy, cowl, and spinner offerings thanks  Dave
  2. Before i get ping'd for hijacking this thread, are there any build threads on the 11ft lanc, and/or power trains used?? I went to orpington to pick up the plan and clears, but they delivered the 72" stuff insted. doh. Well, they are mailing it out to Oz for me instead. Thanks
  3. Hey Tony, Are the clear parts and plans available for the 11ft Lanc? How much, and also, can they be picked up? i will be in london and duxford in a few weekend's time and would love to save myself the shipping to Australia. That's if pick is available roughly near those areas... Thanks Dave Martin www.sbrcmodels.com
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