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Steve Heath

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  1. I have found a very good glue is bostik quick-setting PVA glue.  All the advantages of normal PVA and it will set whilst you sit holding the bits together.  Takes a bit longer to fully go off mind.  Also comes in a nice tooth-paste tube with a fine nozzle as an added bonus.  It s expensive in comparison to normal PVA though.  Our local DIY store - you know the one: Rip-Offs R Us - sells it for about £5 - £6 for a small tube.   A tube is more than enough for most of my models though, and this allows me to avoid CA as much as possible, given that CA is the devil's own spittle and always goes and breaks when you least want it to; either that or I am a c**p builder?  Hmmm, on reflection, that might be it. 
  2. I have a slingshot you could borrow mate!!  
  3. WOT... did the grape do when it was stepped on by an elephant? ... ... let out a little whine.  Get it? ha ha.   Awful joke, I apologise to you all but it was the only WOT joke I could think of.
  4. Oops, should have been a '(' before the Submarines.  Must be a spot of digital dyslexia.
  5. Going back a few pages to posts by the Navy Boys instead of all these Crabby goings on... old Submariners saying:  Submarines are safer than aeroplanes; there are more planes under the sea than there are boats submarines) in the sky!
  6. as a member of the military and a modeller, I feel somehow cheated...
  7. Hmmm clamps.  Well, I have had an engine move in a clamp, making for a very interesting landing.  It was a very cheap and nasty system on a rather cheap and nasty ARTF.  Is it just me, or is flying a model that you have built yourself (properly) so much more rewarding.
  8. Looks like fun.  Will replace my FANTOM which a very nice work mate damaged recently.  He is an ex-modeller who is looking at getting back into the hobby.  Builds the most amazing scale aircraft but doesn't fly anymore.  Has planned for a 6 ft TSR2 which he wants to put a Turbine into, so I thought that I would get him to fly the Fantom to get the feel for flying again.  Oh well, the damage is not too great and the old girl is flying again.
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