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Rap Tor

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  1. Thanks for advice all. I'll do as suggested and see how I go. R
  2. Hi all, hoping to get some advice with starting my os la46. I get to the startup point but nothing happens. It seems like turning the propellor is very tough to do and the startup device isn't strong enough to spin it. Within every revolution the prop seems to get stuck and even manually it's hard to get it past that point. I also am not sure if it primes correctly as I can get the fuel into the carb but then it seems to fall back down the line so not sure it's actually getting to the engine. So, should the prop spin freely manually without any toughness and how do I know fuel has got into the engine past the carb? the engine has been storage for years. So rather 'cold'! I may not be describing it well but any advice welcome. Thanks r
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