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Jez Harris 1

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Everything posted by Jez Harris 1

  1. Do a search for quilting irons..They are perfect for getting into the hard to reach spots. Jez
  2. Posted by john stones 1 on 04/01/2016 18:06:29: Love it, wish I had a bit of talent John   Cheers John but I dont class myself as talented..I'm just taking an absolutely ace kit and loads and loads of reference pictures and then trying to find ways of making things look "about right"....Its mostly bodgineering not engineering..     I'm waiting on a load of laser cut rings and patches before I can do much more on it now.. This is what I need to sort..The little circles you can see. There are loads of the little blighters...I count 18 on the upper surface of the top right hand wing panel alone - oodles on the underside of the panel - then there are another 3 wing panels AND the tailplane, rudder and underneath the fus...84 of them in total!!! Chris Poyser - Fire up the laser!!! Jez Edited By Jez Harris 1 on 04/01/2016 18:16:41
  3. I started on some of the detail underneath the fus too - This is one aircraft that lends itself quite well to modelling as there are all sorts of access hatches that can be used to provide access to servos etc.. I'm not going into too much detail here - I just used a combination of plasticard and litho for the panels and various fasteners. I added a few patches to the fus too - there are loads of them - everywhere there is a fastener there is a re-inforcement patch.. There are over 20 on the fus in total plus edging tapes all over the place too. All these are a time consuming pain they are the touches that make the model look realistic.. Solartex is ace for this as it really shows up well - for example here are the cockpit doors finished and painted.. You can make out the edging really well and stiffeners show up well too whilst keeping the cloth look clearly visible. Jez
  4. Finished off the top of the fuel tank too.. The gauge is removable - this is crucial otherwise I know I will keep snapping it off loading the model through the caravan window... I made it from a length of plastic tubing - the stuff you get long lengths of piano wire or tubing in from the model shop. I cut it to length, masked the windows off and slapped on loads of paint to get the effect I wanted. The float is simply a nail in a piece of dowel...The markings look hand drawn cos the ones on the real one look the same!! The filler cap and various vents etc on the front of the tank once again came from varius bits and pieces I had rattling around - I gave them a bit of tweaking by chucking them in the drill and shaping them with hand files..sort of a bodge it lathe... Filler cap added - this was made from the top of a can of WD40 and a filed down aluminium button... Looks ok.. Jez
  5. Cracking on again.. Some little bits and pieces to keep the build moving. First off - pitot tubes.. Take a bit of annealed lithoplate Fold it around a suitable tube... Take 2 lengths of ali tube and bend em... Shape the front to accept the tubes,, Bit more shaping, a coat or two of paint and some heatshrink.. Jez
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