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  1. Many thanks to all - I very much appreciate you taking the time to help in my hour of need. I have checked out the alternative software and also been to the Hobbyking product page where I found a zipped file called Software, USB driver, settings included: It looks as if there is a factory default setting file in the unzipped folder. Now I can go back to the beginning and break it again and again and again!
  2. I was prompted by the above discussion about the HK T6A and the Bixler. With retirement looming I have decided to start a new hobby and have just bought a Bixler 2 RTFm and spent a couple of wet afternoons assembling it. When I wired it up to check out the kit everything seemed OK as regards control surfaces and the motor in terms of their reaction and direction of movement in response to moving the transmitter controls. The supplied transmitter in the RTF kit is the standard Hobby King HK T6A (Mode 2) and I have added the extra servos to give me the flaps option. I then committed the classic beginner’s mistake of not saving the default transmitter settings before tampering with them . I connected the transmitter to my computer using the supplied USB cable and identified all the channels using a registered copy of the DigitalRadio program (**LINK**) which is an alternative to the HobbyKing t6 config program. I knew I was doing a bad thing but I could not stop myself. Strange things happened when I tried to change end points and mixes, none of them good (I possibly turned it into a helicopter for some of the time). I think I have managed (almost) to get back to the default settings and probably only need another 3 or 4 hours of anxiety to get there. I have tried in vain to get an idea what values I need to enter in the various sections to give a beginner the maximum chance of surviving. I also saw that the transmitter switches can be used as a throttle cut out and to switch to dual rates. As for the Mix data option – should I stay clear (not even sure I know what it means)? Any help or advice for using the software to set up the transmitter would be very much appreciated. Is there a file that I could upload to DigitalRadio that would give me forgiving preset values with my Bixler? Or is it the case that each build is so unique that one size does not fit all? Many thanks for your help (and apologies if you have heard all this before) Edited By Pete B - Moderator on 12/08/2014 20:51:22
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