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Stuart Z

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Posts posted by Stuart Z

  1. 3 hours ago, Stuart Z said:

    Good to see a positive article on glow powered flight.  I’ve always have a preference for glow engines and with OS and SC returning to the market, reliable new engines are available.  I know a lot of people say electric is the way forward but I personally feel otherwise.


    It is still a good well reasoned article.


  2. Good to see a positive article on glow powered flight.  I’ve always have a preference for glow engines and with OS and SC returning to the market, reliable new engines are available.  I know a lot of people say electric is the way forward but I personally feel otherwise.  I don’t like electric anymore than I would buy an electric car. 


    Just my opinion. 

  3. Regular reviews of your junk folder highly recommended- often find good e-mails there. Less often actual junk!


    Technology would be good if reliable!


    However, I still have one e-mail address that is always full of junk.  Soon to be cancelled !!

  4. Nigel

    All the foregoing has been a useful discussion but your plane would be difficult to adjust and still look good.


    If it has been assembled from new and is assembled per the instructions, I don't see that you should need to go further than a call to Century UK.  As said these are good planes that fly well, not the most refined in construction but pretty hard to assemble wrong.  A few screws and an ally wing joiner rod.  The wing and tail fit as per the moulded wing seat / tail plane slots.  A call to Century seems the next step. 

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