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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. Good progress Re tail end used foam from Yet Another Build Pt11 build board, shapes very well to act as an infill , then glued 1/32 soft balsa with aliphatic when dry cut 1/16 soft balsa sides made very wet and then used elastic bands to hold in place while it formed to shape, later using aliphatic again to glue in place with final trimming, then finally being glued in place on the tail end spot shown " hopefully light weight and strong !!. Edited By Bobby on 08/01/2019 14:00:32
  2. Bobby

  3. Bobby

  4. Bobby

  5. Bobby

  6. Bobby

  7. A little progress Re making the model lighter, it seems a bit of wishful thinking on my part, because as you can see from the pics the model is already almost there as standard, the trouble being the T/E,L/E of fin rud, ele, t/p are in pine and the rest is in hard balsa, but as the saying goes many a mickle makes a muckle I will press on. Please read Woman not Women Edited By Bobby on 05/01/2019 14:52:44
  8. Bobby

  9. Bobby

  10. Bobby

  11. Just an update to show that I have fitted a stand alone altimeter in an effort to be able, as I do not have telemetry to at least indicate the altitude I have flown, it claims to be within +/- 1ft and self calibrates. We shall see?? bobby Trebor, Naughty
  12. Bobby

  13. Hi Sonny, Just Joshing you that's, why I put the Wink face, the finish my friend was done by some young person in Vietnam as the model is an ARTF and is also the reason why I could not fully see the problem regarding making the model lighter. Trebor, I did get two of them in case I spoilt one, not so sure in this PC world (now) that my Humour is appreciated I have always loved the Female form and when I die I will ask my maker if I can return as a Women then maybe my humour would go another way.!!!. If you want the spare just say will bring it next time we meet at the site. Bob
  14. Hi, Sonny, Cheers for the input. (tidy? are you suggesting maybe better left as was ? ) Braddock, thanks for your input. Hope your A&E issue is completely over now. Done a few of these with Angela (wife) but she is now all under control medication wise, tis wonderful what they can do now !!,. E. Doc Well I am about to write with some pics to show all is not that easy weight wise, thanks for the interest. After finishing the complete film removal it became apparent that saving weight was going to be difficult, so I am going for a small weight saving but also an aerodynamic improvement, ( We shall see later, as Baldrick said " I have a cunning PLAN). So Far Sorry about the unclear Pic and also the order. but I am slowly getting the grip of it.
  15. Bobby

  16. Bobby

  17. Bobby

  18. Bobby

  19. Decided as my Pup thread ended up on a happy note for me and with a rush of excrement to my brain, here is my latest go at turning a pigs ear into a silk purse. Stage 1 with the foreboding words in my ear (from Angela) at 82yrs old should you be climbing a ladder up into the loft, I retrieved the Ultimate without falling down from said loft, started to strip the old girl down for my big effort in making it lighter and hopefully fly to my liking
  20. Bobby

  21. Bobby

  22. Bobby

  23. Hi Martin H. I hope I insert this correct. Re the pup plans ?, in the two photos you will see the very old original Flair plan that came with my part built model and still shows the two dowels as in the later one that I placed for Bob as it gave a clearer view, my guess is that what you have experienced is a model that was built incorrectly. Not looking for any form of confrontation, just my two pees worth cheers Bobby
  24. Bobby

  25. Bobby

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