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Gary Armitage

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Everything posted by Gary Armitage

  1. Pick me - coz I (and my 10 yr old ) want it  for the engine thats waiting 4 it - thats wot 4 !
  2. first time lucky - if I win! signed Your ever determined skintly desperate comp enterer
  3. I'm sick of not being able to go flying! when I'm not at work - it's chucking it down! Come to think of it - it rains whilst I am there too ! So I need cheering up - come on guys, Pull me from this hat, and cheer me and my son up!(he's a fan of that sky captain film and the P40 he fly's so it would help him to get over the naff school hols too !) Ta. All the best - Gazbo
  4. wanting to get into slope etc, as I live atop a large hill. come to meeee - come to meeee !
  5. No fancy Puns. No THREE or FOUR Go's. Having a real bad week. Having Exceptionally poor flying time due to constant monsoons.So Give me a break eh! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Either send me  the extra or some decent flying weather. (either would be really nice - thankyou)
  6. Built the little west wings version for rubber power,she was my first attempt at balsa bashing. Came out beautifully, but alas, the dope warped the tail feathers ,so she was duly retired as a static folly, and still hangs inverted in the workshop.I want to try again please ! 
  7. Do these prop tips hit supersonic too? LUV IT ! COUNT ME RIGHT IN -SPUDS DEEP !  
  8. Does this one have supersonic prop tips too? Ooh I love it! I want it ! (and so does my son little Dan) so count me in. Gazbo 
  9. Never mind the rest - send it to the best ! Just kidding - well - it rhymes dunnitt ?! 
  10. Well worth a shot. If I don't win it, I'll have a crack at building anyway, It'll sit nice next to the Nij Vamp ! 
  11. Speaking of Roundels and the like,I have bought some of that printable vinyl for decal making.I got both clear and white, for obvious reasons. Problem is, my canon printer ink,though producing excellent results,seems to fade badly in sunlight, at a rediculous rate!The black seems reasonable, but the dark blue/red roundels I fitted to my warbird are now sky-blue and pink! (PS. they were fuly sealed prior to fitting, and again once in position, using that RS clear sealer stuff) Does anyone know if there are inks out there to withstand uv fading?  Please advise me ,as I have further plans to use this nearly £1 per sheet stuff.
  12. Schoenfeldt Firecracker racer sea fury f86 sabre EDF  all nice planes. 
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