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Andrew Robinson

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  1. John,  I think it's an excellent idea and is one I'll be encouraging my boys to participate in. For the record I've just scored 100% - although I have to confess I used an educated guess on one of the questions. Maybe I'll do as you've hoped and read up before doing the expected 'B' test.  Thanks Andrew
  2. I've got the Realflight G3.5 and have used it for about 2 years. It enabled both myself and my 3 boys to learn how to fly with much more confidence. I was able to learn how to fly different models & try out some tricks without fear. It has helped considerably with learning to land in cross winds & with unknown aircraft failures. This has already saved me one aircraft. I believe it has been the best investment I've made, and I'm sure without it I may well have given up after my second real crash.
  3. Thank you all for your responses. As it turns out I may well be able to stretch to 2 models. I've got a Blackhorse Super Sport with crash damage which has a 40 SC 2 Stroke, which I can put right, and I have just purchased a Seagull Pilatus PC-9 as InwoodModels had a very good price, and one of the boys instructors said he would teach the boys some tricks with one! I now need to decide whether I fit a 46 ASP or a 52 ASP & still have sensible control. I can see my 'cheap' hobby (as far as the wife knows) becoming visibly more expensive. Timbo - Your right, looks matter, hence the PC-9, also I've promised to make the SuperSport look the business with lots of fancy trim, just to match the PC-9! Shame, brown packing tape looks very fetching to me ............
  4. Thank you for all your responses, I will pass on your Congrats to the Boys. To be honest I'm looking for a low wing ARTF trainer with possibly tricycle undercarriage. I have a black horse Super Sport which is OK, but its a tail dragger & lands quite fast. I don't want to have their confidence knocked by advancing them too quickly. I did that myself & after 3 crashes I was put off flying for almost a year. Very good at repairs now though ;) I'm sure within 6 months they'll be nicking my Weston Groove & showing me what to do with it, but for now I want them to really nail the basics.
  5. Dear all, My twin boys (aged 11) have just passed their 'A' tests at the weekend on a TT 40 Trainer. I thought I would buy them a TT sport 40L as the next step as it behaves very similar, but have discovered that its no longer available!! What would you good people recommend as the next model for them? I want one which will be almost as docile on the landings as the trainer, but capable of allowing them to do tricks. Thanks, Andy
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