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nigel newby

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Everything posted by nigel newby

  1. Hi all, my next great idea. I am about to fit my new ASP 70 four stroke in my Bi-Fly 40. When the engine is sitting in the engine bay I will not be able to get my fingers in to fit nuts to the bolts. So cunning plan. I am going to push each bolt through from the bottom. Then I have some servo rubbers. These are just a single layer of rubber, not the double things that go over the corner. Cut these in half, and put one over each bolt. Then place the engine in the bay and put on my nuts and washers. Now the question is. Can I leave the rubbers where they are. Will they act as shock absorbers, and help quell any vibration. Or will I have to remove them? I bought the engine on ebay. This engine is brand new never used. The problem is that the exhaust is a little bit too small to screw into the cylinder head. Should there be a small reducing bush with it.? Cheers Nigel N
  2. Oh no!!! I was banking on that money! I have had 5 calls from people telling me I had £3000 for an accident I had had. I must admit I don't really remember having an accident, but I also don't really remember marrying my wife. But she assures me I did. So I guess I must have had the accidents. I was then going to use £6000 of the money I got to help that poor Nigerian Prince out, who need the funds to get out the 25 million pounds that was held by a solicitor. He just need the funds to pay the legal fees. For my services rendered I was to receive 10%.
  3. So I guess from all that has been debated. Electric is cheaper. So now do we have to look at pros and cons. I.E. when the battery or batteries are finished then no more flying, but with IC just add more fuel. I have never run down my TX/RX batteries, and have never run out of fuel. Even if you do, you could more than likely scrounge some elsewhere. Nigel
  4. Martin H and Denis, Thanks for the advice, but looking through my spares found a couple of bits I think they were called nipple extensions! that have now done the job. Trust me they will not becoming off in a hurry. So just to make sure when all test flights have been carried out I will more than likely stick a bit of epoxy on them so I have belt braces plus on them. Nigel N  PS only the wing spars and fitting the ASP 70 4 stroke when she arrives and all will be ready. Oh and making a new windscreen. Edited By nigel newby on 05/12/2018 02:05:09
  5. Martin M I am ok on making linkages> I normally use either push pull or a Bowden type. As this plane is not new I though that I would use a push rod for a linkage, and thought that this type of fitting was ok. I seemed so much easier than soldering etc. Also not being able to really secure a cable to the fuselage. The Bowden type were not really an option. The ones I was trying to fit seemed a great idea, especially for adjustments. Now I know better! Martin H the real problem with the fittings is that the circlip is so small. It is about the size of a match head, so you cannot really hold it in ones paw. Long nose pliers tend to bring it to the pin at too steep an angle. The wife's tweezers are not to bad to get it into position, but then you have to fit it. Ping is a very common sound, along with a few expletives. Nigel N
  6. Just found this thread. I have the same problem. They are the second one that Martyn show in his piccys. I think I have some metal adjustable clips so will see if I can solder those on to the steel piano wire I am using. Should be fun, but not any worse than fitting silly little circlips. Nigel N
  7. If you are talking about getting a model flying without the add on bits then you can take off the fuel pump, and use an old fairy liquid bottle. A starter, humph humbug. Whats wrong with a good old fashioned finger. No plumbing either. I fact all that is needed is a U2 battery and a bit of selotape to hold the wires on and a cheapo glowplug clip. Total cost about £3.60 Second hand Irvine 40 engine from e bay between £24 - £40 battery £7.50 Total costs could be from £50 upwards. It all depends how cheap you want to go. Nigel N
  8. Thanks for that Nigel. On my windscreen edge it has what I think might be a wire casing. Take out the inner of a wire, then cut through the wire sheaf length wise. A bit of glue and secure around the outside of the windscreen. It looks really neat. Nigel N
  9. I need to make a couple of things for my Bi-Fly 48. Firstly a new windscreen. The old one is cracking up and breaking. What material do you folks use for a windscreen. Secondly does anyone know the length of the stringers between the wings. Top to bottom and the distance between the two slots in the stringer. Nigel N
  10. Well as the plane is already built and not have any longer screws this is how I ended up fitting it. Also there is no hole in switch tab to put a bit of wire in as a push pull set up. Edited By nigel newby on 02/12/2018 09:56:29
  11. Just got a new On/Off switch for the Bi-Fly. Went to fit it and the screws are too short when I put the switch through the airframe. Another 1/4 of an inch would have been fine. Anyway took the top off the switch. That's the bit that shows on and off., and put in a couple of washers. But when selling these sort of things they must realise that they will go through a piece of wood or metal, so why not give a bit of allowance for the thickness of the wood. Nigel N
  12. Simple when you know how. Now why didn't I think of that. Cheers
  13. Yes that's it Nigel. A big lump of steel by the looks of it with something hard underneath it. Total depth about 3/4 inch. Yes the ASP 70 engine seems to be the beast. Nice to know that a 70 will fly it ok. Just need to save some pennys now, so better go to work today.  Still have to work out which way the pipes / tubes connect up to the engine, as the fuel tank is in a sealed bay. Nigel N Edited By nigel newby on 30/11/2018 10:31:39
  14. Now the other question is. Will a 65 or 70 4 stroke be to big/powerful for a Bi-Fly 48 Edited By nigel newby on 30/11/2018 10:04:08
  15. Morning Denis and Nigel, Thanks for the website, just the sort of help required. I knew you guys would come up trumps. Below are 3 Pictures from the engine bay. Looking at the website the 22.5 mm I measured could well be 21 mm. As you see not really able to get it spot on with my ruler. Also looking at pictures on the website the throttle is the correct side. It comes out the side nearest the camera. Also I have a hole drilled where I have my pipe going out that looks like a hole for a needle valve. So this looks like a ASP 65 or 70 four stroke. Just need to stick 600 odd grams in there for a c of g test. Your thought's please Nigel N
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