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David Bouchard

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  1. Stu I thought I agreed with your memory of a packed box but I was too curious so I checked my own one and its not as full as I thought - but very heavy. I easily found room to add an engine and there would have been room for the servos as well.
  2. I'm doing a couple of 52s just now and they agree with the OS advert description above - see photo. The exposed bearing is the front one and has a single shield. The cam bearings have double shields. The rear bearing has two seals. They've all been through Toto's ultrasonic bath and are to be replaced with new.
  3. Andy S, my purchase worked out at 14.4% as you thought.
  4. Probably too late for Friday (!), but I think your nearest club north of Berwick is East Fortune Aeromodellers. It's still quite a distance of perhaps 35 or 40 miles, but only a few miles off the A1 trunk road.
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