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Paul Theobald

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Everything posted by Paul Theobald

  1. Roses are red, Violets are blue, This model has a nose leg, And I have spare space in my workshop which my wife doesn't know.
  2. Hello Chris, I asked my local model shop who contacted the distributor. Apparently they are either in stock late December or early January. Will you be using the recommended setup?
  3. Hello Alastair, Thanks for the response. Several problems though:- 1) None of my current stock of spare servos would have the torque required. 2) I can't imagine how I'd ever balance my 70 four stroke in the Tucano. 3) No amount of carefully prepared scripts would get around the missus on any of the above although the Vulcan is very nice. I will look at the Playboy Senior though. Are you going IC or brushless with yours and if so what will you be using?
  4. I want something big. I've been looking at either the 12ft Telemaster or the Sig Rascal 110. Problem is the Telemaster doesn't appear to be available in the UK (other than via import) and the Rascal seems expensive (despite the size). Is there anything else out there (other than a Cub or equivalent)? Suggestions please. Or maybe second hand offers :-) What would you go for?
  5. I did mention it would be a slow build, didn't I? Have started the build this afternoon (done all my chores around the house and had a couple of hours to spare) and have started on the wings. Problem is I have a Telemaster 2000 with an ASP 70 four stroke which keeps asking me to fly her and as I've had her a week now I need some flying therapy......
  6. I'm lucky in that so far I haven't managed to write a model off completely (although I've come close on more than one occasion) My favourite mishap was putting my Easyglider into a 6ft high blackberry bush. Shame that I was wearing shorts and slips ons. At least I didn't have to pay to have her sprayed; the blackberries took care of that.
  7. I'm off to the modelshop this morning for the balsa and bits. Can't guarantee when she'll get built but when she is airbourne I'll get some video of her.
  8. Given that the forum is extremely knowledgeable on all things I'm just wondering whether anyone knows why the above test equipment appears to have vanished from all the online retailer sites? Is this a good or bad sign? Any feedback greatly appreciated.
  9. Me thinks I'll be building this beauty shortly. Are there any videos of her flying?
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