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  1. To be fair, it was described as 'JUNK' but i failed to see that, but up for a challange so we'll see how it goes! Not sure what next steps are, will watch out for a case but in the mean time i'll get the J B eWeld on order!
  2. Fantastic, I'll have to start searching!
  3. sfbm

    Condor 120

    Hi, I've got (some where in a box) a Condor .120 rotary valve engine, although this is an English made engine there's not a lot of info around, I've found one magazine article on the internet and a few sales listing's on US forums but little else. Apprechate there weren't many made but does any one have any thing around them, particually looking for the instruction sheet (see pic) as one day woulf like to get it running. Condor 120 Magazine Review James
  4. Hi, Bought an unknown crankcase from eBay the other day, just wondering if any one could ID it, would love to source the rest of it some day. James
  5. Hi All, Been a while, i've picked up a couple of engines from eBay recently crazy how affordable these are now (and have a Condor .120 that's in dire need of some love) and that's made me think i should probably do something with them. Some of them are in need of a little more attention that others, pic to illustrait the perils of late nite eBaying on your phone 🙂 James
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