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Tony Fransens

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  1. I am currently building a Canadair CL215, wingspan 2.3 meters and would like to add 8mm led's for navigationlights. Can somebody provide with a circuitdiagram for the white tailflashing beacon? The wingtiplights are no problem to wire-up.
  2. However the Antonov would be nice too, we have one at the airfield nearby, just for show I guess I never saw it airborn. And there's one at the entrance of the Efesus-airfield in Celcuk Turkye but they chopped the wings of and use it as an advertising display, the savages!!
  3. What about the Lockheed P38 Lightning that would be a challenge!!
  4. Would there be an easy conversion table to convert IC engines to electric? Because I am planning to change a couple of projects , that are still in the pipeline, to electric. Per example the Tony Nijhuis Lysander.
  5. The new lipo I recently bought surely has a JST-XH voltage sensor connector but my Robbe Lipoly Equalizer ???? I definately need an adapter but which one??   And yes I''m a novice in all this electrical stuff.     Thanks,   Tony
  6. I noticed that on some plans there was no indication of putting the engine under an angle not up or downwards nor sideways. Fellow clubmembers give me contradictory information about this matter. Do you always have to give 2 to 3 degrees downtrust and the same angle sideways to starboard, or is this diferent from one model to another. Can sombody please give me a good explanation? Thanks, Greetz
  7. I have to look it up but I thought it were the Dec. 2001 and Jan. 2002 issue featuring the Bellanca Skyrocket plans of Alex Whitaker. I would love to build this plane but no plans and no build description. I am presently building the Scottish aviation Pioneer and hope to finnish it by the end of this year. So as a next project it would be nice...............
  8. I don't think its about writing letters but in total I think I sent 20 email and never received an answer back not even to say P... off.
  9. Hello, I have been trying to contact the customer service by mail a couple of times the last month because I am trying to buy a couple of back issues from 2002 on the Bellanca Skyrocket by Alex Withaker. But these people do not bother to send me any answer!! Is this normal practise?? As a matter of fact I allready ordered and paid for these back issues and plans a couple of years ago but never received them. I am a subscriber to RMC&E for so many years now but this is getting on my nerves. Please can anybody help???? Tony 
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