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Arni Hrolfur Helgason

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Everything posted by Arni Hrolfur Helgason

  1. Thanks Hugh! I really look forward to build this Spitfire. Maybe I'll add some photos to this thread but be warned - I'm a VERY slow builder! Cheers, Arni H Iceland
  2. Very nice Spitfires you have got there, guys. Well, I just got my set of plans for the 62.5" Spitfire from Tony Nijhuis and I'm going to build it this winter as a sideproject (I'm currently building a Fokker D VIII in 1/4 scale).  As I live in Iceland I'm going to order my materials from abroad. Does any of you have a list of the balsa needed to complete the plane?  Regards from the arctic circle, Arni H www.flugmodel.is www.frettavefur.net/forum
  3. Thanks a lot, David! I think this will do... Greetings from the arctic circle, Arni H
  4. Hi! Where can I find a r/c store in Edinburgh, Scotland? Cheers, Arni H
  5. If I can´t find any hamsters - can I use a GMS.61 in the Typhoon or is a .61 two stroke too heavy for it? Greetings from the arctic circle, Arni H
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