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Jon Goldsmith

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  1. I've been given a part built Krick 1:6 scale Grunau Baby. All parts SEEM to be there and whilst I have most of the instructions I don't have the English language parts list ( and I don't speak German). Does anyone have the English parts list which they can send me, please?
  2. When is next issue of RCM&E due? I've normally had mine by this time of the month. Other club members have not received their copy.
  3. Thanks Ken, Think I may go for Litespan. I've not decided on colour scheme yet but it won't involve lozenge pattern!
  4. I'm building a Belair Fokker DV11; great CNC kit, goes together very well despite the lack of instructions. Also lacking is the finished flying weight and the Cof G position. I have an Emax BL 2220/07 motor which it says will swing a 10x7 - 11x 6 prop but not knowing the weight can anyone tell me if this will do the job. Can anyone advise? Also, I'm probably looking to cover the model in Solartex; does this seem reasonable or could it be on the heavy side?
  5. Many thanks Denis- I'll let my friend know.
  6. A friend has a 70" span CML Zero, bought a few years ago which will have a 26cc petrol engine. Does anyone know if CML kits are finished fuel proofed? If not fuel proofed, what type of fuel proofed should be used to maintain the matt finish?
  7. Can anyone give sound advice on use of 3 cell li-po in my transmitter; all the do's and don'ts or say if it can't be done at all?
  8. Have just built first tail-less glider and can't get elevon mixing to work: left-right stick moves surfaces up and down, back-forward stick moves surfaces opposite directions. Have plugged in servo leads into ch 1 and ch 2 as per manual and also tried plugs in "opposite" sockets but still wrong. Any ideas what will put things right? Jon G
  9. Balsacraft Blenheim was my first electric scale aircraft--flew really well. Only have the plan left now (somewhere)
  10. Looks like the replacement I need for my cumbersome 99 inch machine !
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