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  1.    Does anyone own or has had possession of a Hanger 9 cessna 182 skylane 95" wing span, I have bought one second hand with some repairs to do, was thinking about putting a Zenoah 38 petrol engine in but the prop size is a bit close to the ground, instead of cutting the grass I'd be ploughing the field,  I would be gratefull for any assistance and guidance in this matter    
  2. I Hope it's powerful enough, people have told me who have used the zenoah 20 that they find it has as much pwer as the 26 I've had the model since Xmas so busy building at moment, I've replaced the nose wheel with a robart which is fine, I'll have a look at the december issue again to see if there are any points which you need to know.  I'm in sunderland so a fair distance, there is a video of it flying on the internet can't remember the address but will let you know Regards  Ian
  3. No I haven't had any replies as yet but doing a lot of research on the internet it seems the zenoah 20 petrol works well, so that's what I'm going to fit.
  4. yes i have read the article and have taken on board the problems with the nose gear your review is usunig a 160 twin which looks good but it's the petrol engines i'm interested in.  I have heard that the zenoah 20 has as much power as the zenoah 26 and seeing that the zenoah 20 is smaller it would be a better fit, but need to know if it will be powerfull enough for the plane.
  5. Hi has anyone had any experience of the CMPro Cessna 182 skylane large model,  I am looking at purchasing one and would like to put a petrol engine in this and can't decide whether to use the zenoah 20 or 26.  I would appreciate any assistance from anyone.
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