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Darrell King Mr

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  1. I bought the sapac Jas Sabb -39 and am just not starting  to put the mosnter together. Much bigger than I expected it to be and came with no instruction manual. I guess I will be going by the seat of my pants on this one unless anyone has any suggestions??  
  2. Well now you are one very lucky person to have won this bueat! Have fun with it . I know I would have . Congrats!!!!
  3. Thanks a lot so far guys I will take all the advise that I can get and use it .
  4. Hey everyone. Hope all your flights are happy ones. Why is it that some of the planes in my hangar want to roll to the right or left at takeoff and then flip over and crash????  Is it to much power on the take off or not enough??? I don't consider myself anything but a beginner as I have less than a year in this hobby but I can do very well in my flight sim on all aircraft and it does become boring after a while. I do have some planes that just take off as smooth as you please and others that just refuse to go up and those that refuse just simple roll to the left or right and flip over and crash. Also I have a slow flyer that just shoots striaght up , stalls and crashes. How do I fix this ??  
  6. Ah yes the PZ P-51D. What a nice flying experience for any newbee, myself included. You know when a person decides to get inot a hobby I don't think they think of all the aspect that are involved in the hobby. They just see a person flying a plane around a park and say "WOW thats cool I want to do that".  Next thing you know you got a plane that you have no idea how to fly.  That has been my experience.  In the beginning I went out and bought these cheap 4 channel fomies and never got a one off the ground. I sure learned how to use tape and glue tho. I got my PZ P-51 and crashed it first time out . Rebuilt it and promptly crashed it again. I fixed it so many times the front of the plane was almost flexable. Thats when I finally got the hang of the plane and how to fly the thing.  Yes they are some touchey planes at lower speeds and present a challange but hey thats what it's all about right. If you want smooth flight try the PZ FW 190 very nice and if you want an even more touchy plane try the spitfire. boy is that a handful.
  7. Well guys  I live in a small midwest town in the USA. Missouri to be specific and Carl Junction is the name of the town. There are only 3500 people in the town so you can get a pretty good picture of what I am dealing with here.  I came out here 18 years ago and just never left. It's very nice. I have a nice big park 1/2 block from me that holds five baseball fields and three soccer fields and there is a large creek running next to the park. I would say its about 40 acres of land that is pretty much open and that is where I fly. There is a paved road that works just great as a runway and there is really very little traffic on the road except after school lets out and all the teams come down to play. The guy who sold me the plane is from Calif and he is a pretty cool guy and is going to wire me up an electric package that will fly the plane. I will keep you all posted on whats going on and let you all know when I am successful. As most of you know I have only beeen flying and modeling since May 08 and since that time I have managed to aquire almost 20 models . Most of them are park flyers. The Zero is the only scale plane I have. I really like the warbirds and all but two of my planes are warbirds. I do have quite an impressive hangar. At least I think so. I have not flown all of my planes yet just the foam ones as they are the least expensive. I am just a little to scared to fly the wood planes because they are so pretty and took a lot of work and I just don't think I am a good enough pilot yet.  I am pretty much teaching myself how to do this but with the help of all of you guys it gets easier. I am training on a HobbyZone SuperCub and have gotten pretty good at all the aspects of flying it. Landings are improving daily and I am having a lot of fun with it . I also have a Diablo jet and a F-18 Hornet ducted fans for my jet training however the Hornet has taken a beating and the Diablo has faulty motors that overheat and quit on me. I just think they put cheap motors on that jet.  I have built up a pretty good workshop but still lack a lot of the tech knowledge that goes along with this sport. Sizing motors and ESC's as well as batteries are not a strong suite for me and I will usally go with what the recomendations are on the model kit that I buy. It usally turns out pretty good.  Anyway thaks everyone and I will keep everyone updated  
  8. Frank Thanks a bunch. I sure do appre the help . I never thouht of looking on the net for the infor but then again I guess I don't know HOW to come up with the info. I suppose that I could just look up the motor and then check the requirements. Thanks for giving me not only a learning lesson but a way to solve my own problems. Best rc help place in the world is right here . Thanks guys . I will let everyone know what happens when I get he right right battery in the plane.
  9. Scott I have an E-max BL2826/60 (  whatever that means ) Hey I am a new guy, so give me a break. Anyway it has 11.1 V  - 14.1 V  which I take to mean the voltage requirements. Also it has a prop 12"-13" on it which I assume is the prop siz Hope I am right so far. Thats all the info I can give you on the motor.  Almost every one now seems to agree it is the voltage requirements and that I need to increase that so I am going to wire tw 2400 kvm 11.1 15c batteries together and see if that works. I don't have an amp or watt meter or whatever it is that measures the whatever that you need as I said I have been doing this since May of 08 so five months is really not enought time to aquire all the tools or knowledge that this hobby requires.  Like any newbie I just build it and hope it will fly.  Prob not the best way in the world to do things but I am learning, I did get some other tools and I am building up a little workshop. I am sure I will learn as I go.  I really want to thank all the people here as they are really nice and very helpful  
  10. OH  my  I actually did mean turn on the Transmitter(Tx) first and then the rx (reciever) must be asleep or something like "old timers". Thanks for the advise. I have been talking toa lot of folks about the problem and most have come up with the soultion of wiring two 2400kvm 15 c 11.1 li-pol batteries together in order to get the power that I need as it seems to boil down to a power problem.  Now all I need to do is try that fix and see if it works.  BTW is that your zero in the pic???? Have you flown it??? You must tell me all about it. Thanks again
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