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  1. Thanks jimmac for that excellent idea .. and to everyone else for your suggestions.  I might get an AcroWot someday yet
  2. Wow - someone down at my local club has one of these and they looked so much fun!  When I had a look, I found them to be discontinued but they're back!  I just ordered a Sig Somethin Extra but might get one of these for a .40 Enya I recently aquired.  I think I might take my time covering the SE and put up the precedent as a cheap knock about.  I'm slowly amassing planes with 90% of them being built from kit... another kit doesn't cost so much I keep saying but everything I've had to buy to enter the world of IC from investing in LiPo's has left a large hole in my bank account Best of both worlds though, that's what I say
  3. The local club guys all praise the Wot 4 and many have them but I'd much prefer a mid or low wing.  Maybe the Acro Wot it is... I'd prefer my money going to a UK company so maybe another Sig model will have to wait.  It's certainly a hard decision
  4. hahahahah, silly me .. I meant axial but after editing video for a little too long yesterday (and today), I've got video on my brain!  It's a shame there's not too many UK kits about, I'll have a look at those you mentioned.  As for the radio setup, I've dabbled with mixing and differentials, and the like, though I'm still a newbie on that front!
  5. Hello all, It's my Birthday & Christmas soon and so I'm looking for a plane that would suit an OS 46AX engine.  I want it in kit form (preferably laser cut) and with a wing that is built up (not foam, etc).  As for my flying style, I've got a Sig LT25 trainer that I can do aerobatics with, and I have a Steven's Aero RV-4 that I am also aerobatic with. I want something aerobatic with a coaxial roll, that is quite capable of a lot of aerobatics (manuevers that I'm yet to discover) but be a good strong, solid flyer.  It's a horrible question to put out there because there's so many options.  3D or not, Pattern or not, I'm not too sure because I've not flown many different ones.  I have considered a Sig Somethin Xtra  but want to know if there's any UK manufactured kits first. thanks in advance for any help
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