Another Bowman kit has appeared on eBay back in June, so that's been added to my collection. It's a Raider 26 sports model, not one I've come across before, and one I’ve been thinking about putting together with an electric conversion at some point. Well that point has come!
The pictures of this kit I originally posted in July on my other Bowman thread, but I’ll repost them here. Not wanting to trash the kit I’ve decided to get the plan scanned and copied. Word of warning when you ask your local printer for a copy, don’t forget to state you want it printed at 100%, and not scaled down to fit what ever paper size they happen to have set. Well we got it right the second time around.
Having got the plan copied I’ve set about making up a new kit of parts using the original parts as templates. Having raided my stock of wood I now have complete second kit. As none of the ribs are detailed on the plan other than rib 2, I’ve also scanned the ribs on my home printer so I have a record. Interestingly the ribs in the kit are cut to just the basic shape with no cutouts for the spars so they all need finishing before they can be used.
That will do for now more pictures when I start putting it together.