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NHS to use drones?

David Ovenden

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Hi David.

I have been flying RC aircraft since the eighties, but they have always been regarded by non modelers as 'big boys toys'. They have no practical value, except providing us with many hours fun and entertainment, which they do very well. What would life be without a model on the go, (aircraft that is). I used to fly at a local gliding club that operated alongside a model club. I would spend a couple of hours or so flying full size gliders and then retire to the model patch for some real flying. When I left, my fellow glider pilots to go to the model patch, they would often pull my leg typically saying "He's off now to play with his toy aeroplanes", but invariably they would follow me and watch.

It's nice to see RC aircraft now earning their living not just by TV and film crews, but as life savers for search and rescue, agricultural use and for civil engineering etc. With their artificial intelligence they are also fun to use, I have to say this year I have had more fun and entertainment with a little DJI Spark than with certain other models in my collection.

Here's a little spoof.....

I Have a little friend who can fly. He takes off from my hand and returns to me just by a simple hand gesture. He recognizes me and will not return to anyone else. He can fly much faster than I can run, about thirty miles an hour, but gets tired after about 10 to 15 minutes and flies straight back to me.
He never gets lost, he knows exactly where he is at all time. Unfortunately he gets vertigo and will not fly higher than four hundred feet. He is also scared of full size aircraft and checks from his maps to see if anything is likely to be in the area.
If I take him to or near to an airport he refuses to fly and if he flies near to one, he stops immediately and flies straight back to me.
If he gets too close to anyone or anything he stops. He will try flying around the them until his battery gets low and will then fly straight back to me. If you approach him he will always back off. He is better at social distancing than many people.
He can do many tricks, spiral around me, pretend to be a rocket, fly anywhere that I tell him to and return and can follow anyone or anything that is moving.
He also carries a camera and takes beautiful pictures and videos, he even hovers behind me taking videos while I'm flying. He can even fly sideways and still take videos.
He doesn't like model aircraft, he says they are stupid, have no intelligence, bump into things and have to be told what to do all the time.
He is Chinese, his name is xiao which means the first light of the day. I cannot pronounce it, so I call him Sparky.

Unfortunately the DJI Spark will no longer have any more brothers and sisters. Sparks are now discontinued.


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