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Kline Fogelman 'stepped' foil

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Hi has anyone else come across this remarkable wing section?
As a boy I was given a book by these guys called 'the ultimate paper aeroplane' and made a few from the drawings.  As this article says, it was amazing:
- no stall: just levels off at max height
- no tip stall
- flies FOR EVER, the glide ratio has to be seen to be believed
The article describes some RC experiments - a tetchy stally model was rendered meek, couldn't induce a spin without serious effort, a prop modified to this section gave more thrust etc etc
So - has anyone had a go, and if not, can someone keen please have a go?  I'm thinking it could be god's gift to beginners in terms of totally forgiving model?
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As a former technical advisor on the validity of new inventions - don't believe every thing you read in a patent!
A patent only covers the idea - As long as it does not defy the laws of nature whether it  actually works or not is not tested.
I suspect, but can't of course prove, that the RC experiments had more to do with getting the CofG right relative to the centre of pressure.
Getting more static thrust from a prop is not too difficult, but actually flying more efficiently is.
Lastly, if it was so good why is it not already being used, given that the major aircraft companies spend billions on research and have teams of people examining every relevant patent?
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  • 3 months later...
Tom Mann... you should know that the Kline Fogleman airfoil is being used all over the world today in RC. The KFm3, with a step at 50% and 75% on top, makes a very stable platform that can carry a heavy payload. Check out KF Airfoil Testing on YouTube as well as searches for KFm2 and KFm4. You will find many videos to choose from.
A UAV from Switzerland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H9HaN4A9mc
 Here is the thread that started the exploration of the KFm airfoils...

Kline Fogleman Airfoiled Flying Wing thread:

A few more you might find interesting...
Flying Wing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV2bi4Ldoo0
After checking it out for yourself, you can then decide whether or not there is any merit to the Kline Fogleman airfoils.
Dick Kline
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