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dave windymiller

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Everything posted by dave windymiller

  1. Thanks to Steve J’s comments ive been playing with a ESP32 processor and managed to adapt the two screens ive done thus far onto it. These processors are a bit of a faf to get set up within the arduino IDE program but once sorted, almost as easy as the arduinos. Different librarys are needed and some instructions needed altering to get them to work. It takes longer to compile being a 32 bit dual core processors but the compile also appears to compress the programs/memory requirements at the same time! Once compiled and running, it quickly became clear that these chips are in a different league performance wise. I also played with the size of the bitmap image and it happily copes with the weather now occupying a full 240x240 and still has memory room for graphics on top. I have an stm32 on order to play with and this looks to be a similar size to the arduino but similarly a lot more powerful!
  2. That ice is called an ice spike. Wikipedia describes how they form!
  3. Ive looked into the dual spi thanks Mike but at this stage its a bit deeper than i can manage with editing display library routines. Until recently, the last processors i played with were Z80 and 8088 chips some 30 yrs back - im a bit rusty!! The previous way to get 2 screens would appear to be Arduino type sensitive with at least one person who couldnt get it to work when a resistor was used in the D11 line. Ive tried a variety of approaches with no extra hardware but found them unreliable and screen type sensitive (having two different screens myself). Below is another method circuit diagram thats a bit more elegant and robust ! It needs a slight code change and a 74HC00 chip which is only some 50p! I personally think its easier to have one screen per arduino! Happy xmas folks ------------------ void setup(void) { pinMode(3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // enable D11 to both screens // draw first image to both screens digitalWrite(3, LOW); // turns off D11 to one screen // draw second image to only one screen }
  4. Two displays used just over 50% of the memory 3 or even 4 display from one arduino???? Compiler output Sketch uses 16064 bytes (52%) of program storage space. Maximum is 30720 bytes. Global variables use 413 bytes (20%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1635 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
  5. A few have asked if its possible to get the arduino to do 2 screens. Normally devices are activated with a CS or chip select signal. These displays have a CS signal but its not connected to the pins you can access. Its possible to hack them but thats not for the light hearted see **LINK** The other issue is both displays have to fit onto the aduino so the weather display i did cannot share another display due to the size of the weather bitmap used! However:- I have been playing and found out that two displays connected to the same set of pins will both display an image (comms only going one direction to the screen !) By adding a 4.7k resistor in circuit of one of the displays SDA lines (to pin 11 of the arduino), the display isnt affected. If i now connect another pin say pin 3 to the other end of the resistor (directly to the SDA of the display), i can effectively short it down to 0v stopping the display responding to further instructions. Using code like this, a second display can be written but the first screen continues to display the first display void setup(void) { pinMode(3, INPUT); // draw first image to both screens pinMode(3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(3, LOW); // draw second image to only one screen } Initially, pin 3 is set to be an input eg is open circuit (so doesnt affect the drawing of both screens) after the first display is drawn, the pin is changed to be an output and set to 0v the second display only updates onto the second screen! Obviously, only the second display can do animation as the first one is fixed! This is a rough and ready way to achieve this (im sure there are more elegant ways!) Here is both the horizon and weather displays (less the .bmp to make it smaller) on one arduino!
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