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Barry Finn

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Everything posted by Barry Finn

  1. this would be a great chance to improve my skills and to move on from high wings..please let it be me.
  2.  I too am having trouble with my T7C buddy switch, my son and i went to the field the other day and found someone to buddy him but for some reason my tx will no longer act as master, the only way that we could get the buddy to work was to re-bind my trainer to the donor tx. It is all rather strange as both me and my lad have used my tx as master on many occasions before and i have not changed any of the settings.  When I spoke to Ripmax  they seem to think it is the lead but then surely when we swapped it around (spare tx as master) it still should not of worked.  Anyone with suggestion I would greatly appreciate it as obviously the lad wants to fly.
  3. HHMMM I quite like the look of this one and as my son is taking up the hobby it might mean that my ff7 2.4 would become a useful hand-me down!!!   Or put another way a good excuse to go and buy one.
  4. As a newcomer to the hobby I recently had to repair my trainer ( groung came up really quickly ), and by the way I am one of the fools to have parted with too many pound notes a couple of years ago on a certain build and fly your own spitfire publication ( still getting dusty on the wall ).  Anyway I and my son are getting into building and I am wondering what glue to use where? Thick Cyno, thn cyno, medium cyno, epoxy, pva, wood glue etc  Is there a guide available as obviously a plane coming apart due to wrong glue is something I really want to avoid!
  5. I have been flicking through the Ripmax catalogue and have found the Blackhorse Chipmonk. Looks very nice. Any thoughts?
  6. ah I like the sound of that
  7. Posted by Myron Beaumont on 03/07/2009 12:51:08: Barry Have you experienced ailerons yet or have you been on 3 channel  rudder only with lots of dihedral etc ? Difficult to help without knowing .& I don't know much about the Wot trainer .Elektrikkery or ic ? Myron  the Wot has airleron,elevator and rudder and i am using an irvine .53 hope this helps
  8. When gong out to buy certain items from model shops i find it a good idea to take a strict shopping list of what i edrther than what i would like...... one of those and one of those and that looks good etc etc
  9.  I have only just passed my A and it has been suggested to me that it might be a good iea to think about getting a second model ready in the wings so that if, (no sorry), when i crash beyond, repair my down time would be kept to a minimum, (although I do intend to keep going with my Wot Trainer for a while yet).  I am wondering what line some of you more experienced flyers out there took for your second plane or indeed what input can be chucked my way as still being a novice ( 2 mnths ) its all a bit mind boggling with lots of nice shiny toys  hhhhmmmmm!!  I do like the look of the Jupiter but also would like to g down the avenue of scale..  Help please  
  10. I have just recently turned the big 40 and have wanted to take up rc flying for a good few years but always managed to find a lame excuse to put things off....  Some of you will probably remember a couple of years ago a certain publisher bought out a magazine called ( yes your one step ahead of me here, and please no more 'oh no not that one' please ) build your own spitfire, yes i am afraid i was one of those poor fools that were sucked in.  Now after having built, what i feel is a decent looking plane, i have a rather large ornament hanging on my wall. Every time i go past i think i really must do something about flying ( 3 kids and long hours and not much cash have been a fair excuse methinks) and i have finally bitten the bullet.  I am now the proud owner of a Wot Trainer and am signing up to my local club next weekend.  i am thinking of getting a futaba 6EXP 2.4ghz radio set and would like some input and suggestions on the subject.  Finally for now a big thank you to biggin hill models and the guys at the club that i have met so far for being so helpful.
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