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Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator

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  1. Well Martin for the X10 there is a 130 page PDF manual downloadable from FrSky. From them and others here are also hundreds, no thousands, of tutition videos. Surely that's enough support documentation for now Sonny? What is needed by the user is engagement and for him to stop thinking they can ake a short-cut to knowlege by asking "how do I do this or that" All FrSky systems are very sophisticated and complexly interlinked. They are often ouside of the "run of te mill" - they reward careful systematic study. BEB
  2. Sonny, I would really like to help you with questions like that, but altough I have a Horus X10s, I know nothing about FrOS. I took FrOS off my Horus probably within an hour of taking it out of the box so I could install OpenTX. Now fair enough you can address your question to those who do use FrOS. The problem is I suspect that is quite a small percentage of Horus users. Perhaps we could have a quick show of hands as to how many FrOS uses we have on here? BEB
  3. Nice one Tim. But, Sonny, rememeber to download the full manual - not just the Quick Start guide. The QSG is useful, but as tings move on you'll need more detail. BEB
  4. Hi Sonny - well, exciting day eh! And a fun weekend ahead of you. I don't beieve you will be dissapointed in either the quality or the reliability of he system. But there is one thing I would advise, Horus is a very powerful transmiter, but inevitably with the power goes a degree of complexity. So take your time getting to know it, enjoy the journey as you discover more and more new and novel feaures. BEB PS Are you planning to leave it on FrOS or take it to OpenTx?
  5. With respect STF I think you are missing my point here, and that's probably my fault! I agree with you entirely, simply adding more laws won't solve the problem, but adding some easy to use and very effective new laws may well make a major conribution. It depends on the laws Why is the currently law not enforced. Well of course Don's point about resources is a very pertinant one here. But actually believe a major element in the reason is - the average bobby simply doesn't understand the law in this area. The law is the ANO, the ANO is written by the CAA for the regulation of pilots. Its not written to be used by policemen. Its too technical and too complex. Hell we have enough trouble undestanding it let alone a bobby on the street who doesn't know his ASL from ELV - and why should he? So nothing happens, because unless there is some lunatic flying a drone down the M1 the police "on the spot" can't judge if what is happening is illegal or not! But what the Nov 2019 law will do give policemen a very simple to apply test that anyone can understand - do you have a registration document or not? Because if not you're breaking the law. I believe 40-50 well promoted prosecutions under that - leading to significant fines - will have a impact on many of the people who are a problem. Some of course will just break the law - yeap, people rob banks too - but at least we might rein it in somewhat. I don't think most people who do stupid things with drones are "bad people" - they're just ignorant people So I think new laws can help - if they are the right laws BEB Edited By Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 23/10/2018 21:05:12
  6. Hi Stan, to be honest it isn't generally that big an issue - or it shouldn't be! If you have to protect the mounting you have big problems mate! What's needed usually is just a sensible size air intake at the front, and an exit air hole at the back of approximately twice the area. What's a sensible size? Well about 1.5 times the crosssectional area of the battery is usually fine or a little more to be generous. It doesn't have to be one single inlet - you could have two and add their areas. Rememeber it not just the battery that can get warm, so will the motor and the ESC so they must be in that airflow too. But if you have epec'ed these well, with plenty of "headroom" there should be no issues. BEB Edited By Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 23/10/2018 16:06:21
  7. I've used 6s 5000mAh Zippy batterries and frankly would consider them my "go-to" flight battery now. Holding capacity and balace and no signs whatsoever of puffing. BEB PS So, are you sitting on a stool in the hall, just behind the front door "In case I miss him"!! Enjoy. It looks great. Really looking forward to following the project. Edited By Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 23/10/2018 09:03:16
  8. As I say, under the regulations to be brought in in 2019 by CAA every drone pilot will: 1. Have to be registered 2 Have to have passed a competance test. So contracts etc are not needed, we just await the law in November 2019 BEB PS BTW those regs will include us!
  9. Right chaps, can we stop the speculation please - especially about people's health - well out of order. The OP has made his point, he has recieved some information that might tell him what's going on from people who are not just specualting, they've actually been there and talked to the guy first hand. That is as much as this or any other forum can do. So we'll drop this now as no one has extra hard informatuion to add. BEB PS If you do come across something factual based on real information and you want to add it please PM me or one of the other moderators and if appropriate we will repopen the thread.
  10. That's a lovely model Alan - now there's something to aspire to Darragh - but as Don says with few interesting "experiences" first eh? The "whoa what happened there" type! BEB
  11. I'm not that bothered TBH, both work well. But I must admit a slight preferance for the paddles. Which just shows we're all different! BEB
  12. Sadly this is a problem. But one of the good aspects of the changes to the law that will take place Nov 2019 is that hopefully they will put an end to this - without effecting us too much. It will give the police a simple test to apply "Can I see your pilot registration please...don't have one, come with me please sir" If we had 6 months of that, this would stop. Well,...we can but hope. BEB
  13. Posted by Simon Chaddock on 22/10/2018 12:36:48: There is nothing quite like it when you have! Indeed, be aware this activity should have a government health warning on it... "Warning, flying RC aircraft is highly addictive"! BEB
  14. Opps! Sorry Darragh! There was adouble post and I accidently deleted your response! I'm not normally so clumsy - honestly. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to get it back. If you do wish to repost I'll leave that one alone! BEB
  15. OK Darragh let' see if we can't put together a road map to sucess for you. 1. Something you need to know, flying RC planes looks easy, it isn't! It is possible to go out, buy a model and teach yourself by trial and error, but there will be a a lot of errors and it'll certainly be trial that will end up probably costing you a lot of money in crashed aeroplanes! The best plan is to join a club. Clubs have instructors and tutition is free! They will fly with you using something called a "Buddy Box" that means you can fly the model, but at the flick of switch they will have contol. So its sort of dual controls for model aeroplanes. Doing this you will make fewer erorrs and not have to "pay the price" for those you do make because the instructor can save yoir bacon! 2. Don't buy anything (particularly radio gear) until you get to the club you want to join, then take their advice. The reason for this they will advise you to buy a make that is popular in their club. That means: they know how it works and can tell you, you can buddy with their kit because they are fully compatable and finally the local model shop probably has loads of them and knows the product so can also help and support you. 3. Regarding an aeroplane. You need what is known as a trainer, these are models specifically designed for learners, they fly a little slower (giving you time to react) and they have a high degree of natural stability. Most of them look great - I know lots of experienced fliers who still dig out their old trainer now and then just for fun. You can buy trainers made from foam or, more traditionally, from wood (usually a mixture of balsa and ply. I have mentioned two of them on your 737 thread - they're just two examples). Whether you go for foam or wood is up to you, but I would make the following points a) don't buy a model that weighs less than about 2Kg, NI is a windy place, light models just get blown around like empty plastic bags! b) personally I would recommmend that you go for electric power. Nothing wrong with IC but I does mean you have two things to learn, engine management and flying, instead of just one. Electric is simplier for most beginners and a good set up will give you 8-10 flights (plenty long enough for a beginner). That's my view of course but in support of it all I can say is that in my club (where I am an instructor) I tend to see electric power beginners progressing much faster with their flying skills than their IC cousins. There is plenty of time to learn all about engines later - at present it's about learning to fly! OK, there we go, try that. It's a route that has been trodden by very many and for good reason - it tends to lead to sucess! BEB
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